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Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009
Jumat, 27 Februari 2009
Sometimes advice can even be sought by the parents of one of the nearly-weds; usually where their son or daughter is the one who has been jilted. Inevitably they are looking to recover not only the expense they have incurred but potentially damages for what has been described to me as public humiliation and hurt feelings. Oh dear English law is very specific in its requirements. How do you prove a contract between the parents of the groom and the bride when even the engagement between the betrothed is no longer regarded as a legally enforceable contract? Public humiliation has of course been regarded as a prime Anglo Saxon sport since the days of the stocks. As for compensation for hurt feelings, pull the other one – most are highly relieved that their precious off-spring has been saved the life of misery they had expected was to be their future and if the parents get the opportunity to take the honeymoon instead, all is forgiven.
A Man's Perspective on Superman and Divorce
Kamis, 26 Februari 2009
Of course, it isn’t always like that. Indeed I recall one occasion, once upon a time, when I came across two elderly gents sharing notes next to the cheese counter. “I’ve lost my new wife,” one of them said. “We parted next to the cornflakes. I’d so have liked you to meet her. She said she was just slipping into town on an errand and would meet me here, but she’s half an hour late.”
“That’s a co-incidence,” said the other, “My wife of forty years seems to have disappeared too. What does yours look like?”
I pricked up my ears. After all these women were possibly clients of mine and anything could have happened to them.
“Well, she’s 24, curves in the right places, blonde hair down to her waist, legs as long as drain pipes and she’s wearing a mini skirt and stiletto heels. What about yours?”
“Oh, never mind about her, let’s track yours down first!” he suggested, with a twinkle in his eye.
Rabu, 25 Februari 2009
Should Cheaters Pay More in the Divorce?
I read recently that the state of Arizona is reconsidering it's policy on "no fault" divorce. Meaning they may now allow a judge to consider evidence of an affair and compensate the "injured" party monetarily.
Some states do allow a divorcing couple to bring in evidence of an affair or abuse while many others do not consider it at all. I was divorced in New Jersey and was very surprised when my lawyer told me that judge did not care that my husband was having an affair and that assets were divided based on equitable distribution only, not emotional or physical damage.
What I think is unfair in no fault divorce states is when a cheater spends martial funds on the girlfriend or boyfriend. This should be considered. I also believe the person who has been cheated on and did not want the divorce should be awarded additional assets for pain and suffering. I know a woman whose husband cheated and gave her herpes. Logic would dictate that she should be financially compensated for pain and suffering because of her husband's actions.
The downside to allowing evidence of an affair in the divorce courtroom would be longer courtroom battles and more more legal fees. Producing proof of a spouses' affair might also require hiring a private investigator. But maybe if people knew they might have to pay more in their divorce settlement if they cheated, they might reconsider cheating in the first place.
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Selasa, 24 Februari 2009
It Isn't What It Looks Like
Senin, 23 Februari 2009
Outdoor Man was having none of it. To justify dinner on Saturday evening, I had to accompany him on a long walk. Knowing I have an allergy to uphill slogs, he assured me that it was to be a gentle meandering stroll. Maybe my memory is playing tricks, because donned in hiking boots, several protective layers and trekking poles at the ready, I recall that we headed off – UPWARDS!
Still it was a pleasure to be in the open countryside and even if the summit was chilled by an Arctic wind, I had a thoroughly enjoyable time. So too did the other couples and families that we came across and to whom we said hello and exchanged smiles and pleasantries.
The only exception seemed to be the angry brigade; a succession of solitary men, all dressed in high visibility red. They appeared to regard couples showing pleasure in the surroundings as something of an impediment to the routes they were covering at high speed. Could they all have been recently separated? They were apparently alone in the world and marching off their frustrations using good old fresh air and exercise for therapy. Mind, I’m sure that by the time they descended late in the afternoon their anger would have dissipated and they would have managed to smile at any late stragglers they passed.
As for me, I must have done well, because Outdoor Man didn’t just let me have dinner but dessert as well!
Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009
Why Staying Together for the Sake of the Kids is Not Always a Good Idea...
We hear so much about how damaging divorce is to children and how kids are almost always better off living with two parents who are married. But if your home is filled with shouting, anger and disrespect, a divorce may be better for your kids in the long run.
I was watching an episode of "Marriage 911" a show where a marriage counselor spends time with a family on the verge of a divorce. This couple was so mean to one another. The husband called his wife a "fat slob" in front of the kids and the wife told the kids that "dad is a moron". The fighting was endless, with the couple battling it out in front of the children.
Finally, the older daughter wrote a sign that said "Breakup or Shut up". Her parents were shocked, but realized the kid was right. All of their fighting and put downs was emotionally damaging their kids. Fortunately,this couple (with the help of the marriage counselor)was able to save their marriage and stop fighting.
The fact is children who are subjected to years of witnessing their parents fight, will suffer emotionally. They risk growing up and entering into their own dysfunctional relationships. If you are thinking about getting a divorce, but just staying together for the kids' sake, think again. Unless you can repair your marriage and start treating each other with respect, you are not doing your kids any favors.
Click here to read a free chapter of Seven Secrets to a Successful Divorce...
Jumat, 20 Februari 2009
Of course, I make no claim to having read the paper, only, I confess, the media reports on it. If they are accurate then from what I understand he concludes that social networking sites do not enhance our social life but rather displace it. One of the most pronounced changes in the habits of British Citizens over the last two decades is apparently the reduction in the number of minutes a day they interact with other human beings and even young children with their laptops, television sets and electronic games are affected.
But what makes this paper all so serious is reference to the identification of yet more human genes. In fact 209 social regulating genes including ones connected with stress and immune systems. The continuous use of social networking sites and technology instead of face to face communication could according to Dr Sigman affect not only our social skills but also those genes which in turn can have an effect on our hormone levels and well-being, increasing in due course the incidence of serious illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, strokes and dementia!
So dear reader and in your own best interests I have to warn you that logging on regularly to read this blog can seriously damage your health and when all is said and done another argument with your spouse, or a whinge to your best friend, brother, sister, or AN Other, might just be better for you!
Kamis, 19 Februari 2009
New Year, New You, New Career
Rabu, 18 Februari 2009
Anyway I found the ideal solution. If you ever find yourself alone, bereft and unable to finish the crossword, phone a friend! Or, as I did, five of them!
A word of advice though, first get yourself one of those contracts that gives you unlimited calls and that way the bill for two hours gossiping by phone will never come back to haunt you and spoil the pleasure. Also never ever spend that long on the phone if your recently separated partner is paying the bill and you don’t have an unlimited contract, because they’ll only pay it once, after which they’ll fight to the bitter end over the rest of your finances as a point of principle. Finally whatever you do, don’t ring the other side of the world and leave the phone off the hook (even unlimited contracts don’t cover that kind of thing); whatever your former partner did to you, it won’t get you even and ultimately a Judge could make you pay from your share of the settlement!
Senin, 16 Februari 2009
Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009
First The Times reproduced figures from the Office for National Statistics to show that if you are married and living in the UK you are in a minority. The cynic in you might think that this is as a result of our high divorce rate, but in fact it apparently has more to do with the shrinking number of people marrying in the first place. The article seeks to explore possible reasons for this, including the high cost of a traditional wedding or childhood experiences from parents divorcing putting off would-be spouses
However the results of a survey in Croatia may inadvertently have revealed the answer. Apparently 40% of people in Croatia tell their partners that they are terminating their relationship using a mobile phone. Even more cowardly, more than half of those do it by SMS rather than speaking. Assuming the statistics are similar in the UK, maybe ditching one’s partner has just got too easy, now that it doesn’t even have to be done face to face.
It seems to me that Cupid is going to need more than a bow and arrow tomorrow. Somehow he has to learn to confiscate mobile phones and find a way to get all those lovers to the altar.
Jumat, 13 Februari 2009
Snow Traffic
Originally uploaded by Joey B.
Leaving work this evening I encountered traffic struggling in the snowy weather. Most drivers, sensitive to the road conditions, were being completely sensible but then I encountered Mr Transit Van Driver. Thinking only of himself he failed to look as he charged onto the roundabout across my path; perhaps I was meant to be bowled over but instead I took emergency avoiding action, skidded and halted only inches from his bonnet. What one might call a lucky escape!
That’s an expression used frequently by divorcing clients; those who’ve reached the stage where they can look at half-empty bottles and describe them as half-full. Looking at life with optimism or even smiling in the face of adversity has much to recommend it. On my part, stopped on that roundabout, I could only grind my teeth and simmer silently, especially when Mr Transit Van Driver then suddenly changed direction and forced his way across the lanes, causing chaos to other road users, as he left the roundabout as rapidly as he had entered it.
Kamis, 12 Februari 2009
What is more likely are the arguments which rage as a result of a man’s ability to see things in black and white when his wife wants all the colours of the rainbow; the tunnel visioned monochrome against the multi-hued bonanza. His insistence on thinking fruit when she mentions peach, plum or apricot; tangerine, lemon or pumpkin. How many men appreciate the subtleties in shading when told its purple, mauve, lavender or violet? Mention salmon and men surely think fish. Copper, brass or platinum; she thinks hair dye and he imagines pipes and screws. Buff, tan and bronze has him thinking of beaches and bikini clad maidens. No wonder there are so many arguments and misunderstandings in the paint pot aisles of DIY hyper stores. Raw umber surfaces as she gets madder and whilst champagne and chocolate can go some way to repair the dissent and domestic turmoil, there are occasions when harmony can only be bought with gold and sometimes it has to be studded with ruby or sapphires.
Rabu, 11 Februari 2009
Senin, 09 Februari 2009
Octuplet Rage: Is America Biased against Single Moms?
I am surprised by the public outrage against the woman who
gave birth to octuplets. It is odd for a single woman to have 14
children by in-vitro fertilization, but this woman's situation seems to have sparked intense anger and disgust from the media, bloggers and even the woman's own mother. People are angry that she has gone ahead and given birth to all of these children without a husband. Many assume she will be on public assistance and the tax payers will foot the bill for raising these children.
But no one questions the couple on the TV show who now have 18 children or the couple who star in the show "Jon and Kate plus 8". Jon and Kate were not well off by any means when their sextuplets were born. We do not know how the mom of the octuplets will support her children yet or if the natural father will help raise the kids , so to rush to judgement about her is unfair. I even read that diaper companies and other baby companies are not giving this woman freebies. Other couples who have multiple births get free diapers, baby food, clothes and even donated homes for free. But here is a single mom who is being offered nothing because she is not married? Or maybe it is because we think she is mentally unstable?
Whatever the reason, America has forgotten that 8 healthy babies have been born at once. These babies are the only surviving octuplets in our country. It is a miracle that they are alive and doing so well. How they were conceived is not our business. Let's not rush to judgment.
Children do deserve to have two parents and grow up in a loving home, but as many of us have found out through divorce, that is not always possible. I think it hits a raw nerve with people when a woman decides to become a single parent on her own. The bottom line is that these 8 babies are here and no amount of hatred and ill will towards their mother will change the circumstances surrounding their conception.
You may feel that this woman is off her rocker and disagree with how she conceived her children but the babies deserve our well wishes and good thoughts. I sincerely hope that people will rise above their judgments and lend a helping hand to this woman for the babies'(and her other children's) sake.
Sitting on the train I mused over the fact that these days clients too rarely want to linger over their separations, preferring to move onto divorce on immediate grounds than to wait until they have lived apart for two years. Like me in London, they want to be able to put their commitment and journey behind them and then get on with the resumption of some kind of normality as soon as possible.
Jumat, 06 Februari 2009
Rabu, 04 Februari 2009
When Your Kids Do What They Did
Selasa, 03 Februari 2009
This Is The Hamptons...
In 1926 Fitzgerald published one of his finest stories, ''The Rich Boy,'' whose narrator begins it with the words ''Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me.''
More than 80 years later that statement rings as true today as it did then. Though Christie Brinkley opened up the east end to ridicule this summer with her high profile divorce, she is far from the only one from the east end showing us all here how different our lives are "Up Island." I actually found myself threatening to tell a judge in Central Islip about the extravagant spending of one litigant and expressing my belief that the judge would be appalled at such a revelation. The response to me shocked me all the more...."This is the Hamptons" I was told, as if this readily explained the extravagance that was displayed before me. Excess is Excess, whether it be in the Hamptons, Rodeo Drive or Mont ego Bay. When parties are going through a divorce a more critical eye is cast at even the most wealthy.
Perhaps a $300 pair of jeans purchased monthly before a divorce was acceptable, in all likelihood once an action is started, it will not be. For most of us the purchase of a $2000.00 purse for a 12 year old girl is something we would never be able to justify....for those who live in the Hamptons apparently it becomes their justification for the purchase.
This Is The Hamptons...
In 1926 Fitzgerald published one of his finest stories, ''The Rich Boy,'' whose narrator begins it with the words ''Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me.''
More than 80 years later that statement rings as true today as it did then. Though Christie Brinkley opened up the east end to ridicule this summer with her high profile divorce, she is far from the only one from the east end showing us all here how different our lives are "Up Island." I actually found myself threatening to tell a judge in Central Islip about the extravagant spending of one litigant and expressing my belief that the judge would be appalled at such a revelation. The response to me shocked me all the more...."This is the Hamptons" I was told, as if this readily explained the extravagance that was displayed before me. Excess is Excess, whether it be in the Hamptons, Rodeo Drive or Mont ego Bay. When parties are going through a divorce a more critical eye is cast at even the most wealthy.
Perhaps a $300 pair of jeans purchased monthly before a divorce was acceptable, in all likelihood once an action is started, it will not be. For most of us the purchase of a $2000.00 purse for a 12 year old girl is something we would never be able to justify....for those who live in the Hamptons apparently it becomes their justification for the purchase.