Kamis, 31 Maret 2011


I was recently sent a copy of “10Keys – A Woman’s guide for Navigating a Successful Financial Divorce”. It’s written by Meredith K. Bromfield, an investment advisor in the USA, who believes, as I do, in the need for making people feel special when undergoing a life changing event like divorce. Indeed she dedicates her book to “all the women who are facing tough situations.”

The book recognises that divorce can be an emotional and terrifying process during which important financial issues are resolved often at a time when one is least able to make rational decisions. It’s a short book in which the author gives women keys to help them at this difficult point in their lives.

The first part which deals with specific financial matters may be of limited relevance to clients in other jurisdictions where both the law and the provision of items such as health care are different. In the second part, however, the author sets out 10 keys for coping with the emotional side of divorce and these are of universal application. She not only identifies the key but also provides convincing pointers as to both why that key is necessary and how to implement the advice she is giving.

Ultimately she concludes that you must “Live, Love and Laugh” because “the best is yet to come.”

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Newspaper: Gen. Mahone and the Ex-Confederates

Shenandoah Herald
May 17, 1882

GEN. MAHONE AND THE EX-CONFEDERATES -- Major Robert Tansill, of Prince William county, Va., formerly an officer in the Federal army and afterward a colonel in the Confederate service, and who during the recent campaign in Virginia, was a pronounced readjuster, has written a letter in which he severely arrains Senator Mahone for his recent vote, the effect of which is to prevent ex-Confederate soldiers from holding commissions in U.S. army and navy. 

Major Tansill declares that Senator Mahone by his vote "exhibited a degree and kind of political ingratitude and wrong which equals if it does not transcend any to be found in the history of our fallen race.  This strange and cruel act is fatal, as it ought to be, to Gen. Mahone's political prosepcts, so far as Virginia is concerned, unless the people of the State have unfortunately degenerated so as to be capable of the degredation of imitating the servile nature and example of the dog, in licking the hand that smites and degrades them."  Before concluding Major Tansill declares that "no imaginable excuse can be advanced for Gen. Mahone's unnatural and detestable treachery to his old friends and companions in arms."

(NOTE:  Per Wikipedia, in the post-Civil War years, William Mahone "helped form and lead a coalition of blacks, Republicans, and Conservative Democrats that became known as the Readjuster Party, so-named for a position regarding Virginia's troublesome post-War public debt issues.")

Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Facebook: Bad News for Bigamists

Richard Leon Barton Jr., who I knew right away was in trouble because the report used all three of his names, was charged with polygamy recently after his first wife learned he had another one and reported him to the police. She had become suspicious after he "de-friended" her on Facebook - de-friending a significant other is rarely going to turn out well - and a few months later a Facebook search turned up pictures of him getting married to somebody else. At that point, she said, "I put two and two together."
Barton, at least, had not posted these pictures himself, which makes him one IQ point smarter than the Australian guy who personally sent his second-wedding photos to his local newspaper, despite the fact that his current wife lived in the same town. See "Wedding Photo Tips for Bigamists," Lowering the Bar (May 4, 2010). Barton's problem was that he had no way to keep other people from posting his second-wedding photos (other than not having a second wedding in the first place), given that he probably didn't want to tell them he was committing a felony; and Facebook then made it easy for Wife No. 1 to find those photos even though she lived somewhere else. As the prior story shows, old media can cause problems for bigamists, too, but new media can spill the beans much more quickly.

Barton and his first wife had discussed getting a divorce (partly because he had been in prison for years), but he never got around to taking care of that. Police speculated at first that Barton couldn't afford a divorce, but that seems to be one of the few excuses he hasn't made. "I let love get in the way," he said last week, in what I assume was both a bid for sympathy and something he had just heard on his car radio. ("I needed more wind beneath my wings," he might have said had he been tuned to a different station.)

Barton was charged with "polygamy" although he seems to have had just the two wives, which in most states would be called "bigamy." Michigan's anti-multiple-spouse law makes it "polygamy" to have two or more spouses, which is grammatically wrong but avoids the need to have separate statutes for bigamy and polygamy, I suppose. Mich. Comp. Laws § 750.439. I considered whether Michigan might be taking the view that as soon as someone marries a second spouse, there are three "spouses" in the mix and so "poly" is accurate, but that doesn't work. What you've got there, normally, is two monogamists with a bigamist in the middle, not three polygamists. Michigan can call the offense whatever it wants, I guess, but why not make it accurate?

They need to amend this thing anyway, frankly. The law provides that a person is not guilty of polygamy if they had "good reason" to believe the prior spouse to be dead, and also makes an exception for "any person whose husband or wife shall have voluntarily remained beyond the sea, or shall have voluntarily withdrawn from the other and remained absent for the space of five years" if the person doesn't know whether the spouse is still living. This is one of those situations where commas matter, because as written I think you could get remarried anytime your spouse doesn't come back immediately from a trip overseas - the five-year rule doesn't apply.

I am not advising you to test that interpretation, just noting that's what it says.

---courtesy of Lowering the Bar
Facebook: Bad News for Bigamists

Richard Leon Barton Jr., who I knew right away was in trouble because the report used all three of his names, was charged with polygamy recently after his first wife learned he had another one and reported him to the police. She had become suspicious after he "de-friended" her on Facebook - de-friending a significant other is rarely going to turn out well - and a few months later a Facebook search turned up pictures of him getting married to somebody else. At that point, she said, "I put two and two together."
Barton, at least, had not posted these pictures himself, which makes him one IQ point smarter than the Australian guy who personally sent his second-wedding photos to his local newspaper, despite the fact that his current wife lived in the same town. See "Wedding Photo Tips for Bigamists," Lowering the Bar (May 4, 2010). Barton's problem was that he had no way to keep other people from posting his second-wedding photos (other than not having a second wedding in the first place), given that he probably didn't want to tell them he was committing a felony; and Facebook then made it easy for Wife No. 1 to find those photos even though she lived somewhere else. As the prior story shows, old media can cause problems for bigamists, too, but new media can spill the beans much more quickly.

Barton and his first wife had discussed getting a divorce (partly because he had been in prison for years), but he never got around to taking care of that. Police speculated at first that Barton couldn't afford a divorce, but that seems to be one of the few excuses he hasn't made. "I let love get in the way," he said last week, in what I assume was both a bid for sympathy and something he had just heard on his car radio. ("I needed more wind beneath my wings," he might have said had he been tuned to a different station.)

Barton was charged with "polygamy" although he seems to have had just the two wives, which in most states would be called "bigamy." Michigan's anti-multiple-spouse law makes it "polygamy" to have two or more spouses, which is grammatically wrong but avoids the need to have separate statutes for bigamy and polygamy, I suppose. Mich. Comp. Laws § 750.439. I considered whether Michigan might be taking the view that as soon as someone marries a second spouse, there are three "spouses" in the mix and so "poly" is accurate, but that doesn't work. What you've got there, normally, is two monogamists with a bigamist in the middle, not three polygamists. Michigan can call the offense whatever it wants, I guess, but why not make it accurate?

They need to amend this thing anyway, frankly. The law provides that a person is not guilty of polygamy if they had "good reason" to believe the prior spouse to be dead, and also makes an exception for "any person whose husband or wife shall have voluntarily remained beyond the sea, or shall have voluntarily withdrawn from the other and remained absent for the space of five years" if the person doesn't know whether the spouse is still living. This is one of those situations where commas matter, because as written I think you could get remarried anytime your spouse doesn't come back immediately from a trip overseas - the five-year rule doesn't apply.

I am not advising you to test that interpretation, just noting that's what it says.

---courtesy of Lowering the Bar

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Chancery documents

Think Chancery records are filled with boring old legal documents and correspondence between attorneys?  They're not!  You might be surprised by some of the documents that are made of record to prove a party's claims, like the following marriage license in the 1913 divorce case between Martha Davis and John H. Carter.

Davis Carter marriage license

It's a copy of the ornate license, which includes the names of the parents of both bride and groom. 

Chancery records might also hold bonds, deeds, wills, plats, and genealogies.

Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

Newspaper: Will of Margharetha A. Endres

Washington Post
August 27, 1902 - pg. 10

The will of Margharetha Amalia Endres, bearing date of March 24, 1902, was filed for probate yesterday.  It provides that a farm owned by the testatrix in Prince William County, Va., and her personal property are to be divided equally between her sister, Clara M. Kress; her brother, Stephen J. A. Hartbrecht, and the following heirs of a sister who is dead:  Stephen J. Kubel, Ernest Kubel, Josephine Taylor, and Clara Kubel.  Stephen J. Kubel is named as the executor.

Newspaper Advertisement

The Washington Herald
October 10, 1907 - pg. 10


Near Independent Hill Prince William Va.  Nine miles south of Manassas; containing 110 acres; about 60 cleared and the rest in oak and pine timber; four-room frame house; barn 24x36, with basement and 10x36 shed, and other necessary outbuildings; all buildings good as new. production red-loam soil; 1/4 mile from stores, post office, and churches, 1/2 mile from school; partly fenced with wire; several small streams running through place.  Will sell for $1,200; half cash, balance in easy payments.

Independent Hill, VA

Will: William Copin, Sr.

Prince William Co. Will Book I, Page 42

IN THE NAME of God AMEN I William Copin Senior of the County of Prince William and Parish of Detingen being of sound mind and memory at this time thanks be to god Almighty God for the same but calling to mind the uncertainty of human life do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form as followeth. And first I most humbly recommend my soul to Almighty God who gave it to me hoping for a Resurection to eternal life through the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ which he has made for sinners and I would have my body committed to the earth from whence it came to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named. Item having given in my life time to my son William Copin in house hold goods to the value of Eight pounds Eleven shillings and and to my Daughter Sally Lynn fourteen pounds, to my son George Copin Eight pounds seven shillings to my son Zacheus Copin Eleven pounds fifteen shillings it is my will that all I have in my possession at the time of my decease both real and personal I give and bequeath to loving wife Elizabeth Copein during her life after my debts are paid and after her decease what she leaves to be divided so as to make William and George and Zacheus' part equal with Sally's and after that to divide what remains equally between William, Sally, George and Zacheus or to their heirs, and I appoint my loving wife Elizabeth Copein and my son Zacheus Copin Executors of this my last will and Testament. In witness whereof I have set my hand and affixed my seal this Eighteenth Day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Three.

William Copen Senior [seal]

Signed Sealed and declared to be his last will by
the Testator in presence of us and in his presence attested by
Early Wells
Josius Stoner, Benjamin Stoner

At a Court Continued and held for Prince William County February the 5th 1805.

This Last Will and Testament of William Copin Deceased was presented to the Court by George Copin, and it appearing that the Witnesses reside in the state of Kentucky and it further appearing by Testimony and a Comparison of handwriting that the said Will is in the hand writing of the said William Copin dec'd It is therefore ordered to be recorded.

Teste, J.Williams

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011


The funeral of Elizabeth Taylor took place yesterday. For many years she entertained on screen with her amazing talent and good looks and then subsequently devoted herself to various needy causes. However she will also be remembered for her marriages (8 in total) and divorces of which there were 7. Definitely the kind of client her divorce lawyer must have loved.

In the same week we finally saw the form that will replace the current divorce petition on April 6th. As could only have been expected it has become a perfunctory tick box affair, although, and much to the alarm of many clients, one still has to pray that the marriage be dissolved. Comments received over the years have included:
Well I suppose if I got married in Church it’s only right that I pray for a divorce;
Is this right, surely it’s wrong to pray for something for yourself?
I thought God didn’t believe in divorce; will He really give her one?

Reducing our humble petition to something more reminiscent of a passport application, is, of course, intended to start the whole process in a somewhat easier fashion. If clients find the same thing, who knows I might even find a divorce doyen of my own to act for here in Darlington. In the meantime, I guess I’d better practise ticking some boxes myself; we all have a census form to complete tomorrow.

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Will: Matthew W. Brooke

Prince William County Will Book L, pg. 8
18 Aug 1816; proved 03 Dec 1816

I MATTHEW W. BROOKE of the county of Prince William being sick and infirm in body, but of sound and perfect mind do make this my last will and testament as follows – First I commit my soul to Almighty God and my body to the earth to be decently intered at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named.  Secondly I subject the whole of my Estate to the payment of my debts and afterwards the residue thereof both real and personal to be kept together for the mutual benefit of my beloved wife and daughter BETTY WHITING during the minority of the latter, unless she marry before it expire.  Upon her attainment of the age of twenty one years, or marriage before that period, it is my will and desire that an equal division of the whole of my estate be made between my wife and daughter, and that the former hold her moity during her natural life, if she shall so long remain in a state of widowhood.  Thirdly, if my wife shall at any time marry I devise and bequeath to her one third only of my estate real and personal during her natural life, and direct that upon her marriage if no division of my estate shall have been made at that time, she shall receive and be entitled to no more, and if a division at that time shall have been made, that the excess above one third be restored to my daughter.  Fourthly, in the event of my daughter’s death before she shall have attained the age of twenty one years I give to my wife in like manner one moity of my estate real and personal during her widowhood and in case of her marriage, one third only during her natural life, at her death to be divided between my sister LUCY INGRAM’s children now living.  Lastly, I commit the protection of my wife, and guardianship of my daughter, to my friend Mr. THOMAS INGRAM whom I do hereby appoint my Executor.  In testimony hereof I affix my hand & seal this 16th day of August eighteen hundred and sixteen.

M. W. BROOKE   {seal}

Signed & published in presence of

At a Court held by adjournment for Prince William County December 3rd 1816.

This last will and testament of MATHEW W. BROOKE decd was presented to the Court by THOMAS INGRAM the Executor therein named who made oath to the same according to law and the said will being proved by the oaths of LUCY B. DIGGES and JAMES W. WALLACE is ordered to be recorded and the said THOMAS INGRAM having taken the oath of an Executor and performed what is usual in such cases certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.

Teste, PHIL. D. DAWE

Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Cavalry Ride from Brentsville to Manassas

From here.

Event:  April 30, 2011

Join the 4th Va. Prince William Cavalry as they recreate their 1861 Ride from Brentsville to Manassas. Visit Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. for Prince William Prepares For War!, which includes Secession debates, tours, and period military drills ($5 admission to site). The Blackhorse Cavalry will be sent off with great fanfare for their ride to Manassas at 3:30 p.m. Spectators can view the ride on Gateway Boulevard and at The Manassas Industrial School/ Jennie Dean Memorial in Manassas. The cavalry will participate in a roll call ceremony when arriving at The Manassas Museum. The museum will also sponsor a free 3 p.m. Author’s Talk with Eric Wittenberg, author of The Battle at Brandy Station, and a reception for the new exhibit They Rode From Brentsville.

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011


I was recently asked why it is that marriage remains so popular in the North East of England (and with it divorce) when our counterparts in the South East are opting to live together rather than wed. It could be that Geordies are intrinsically more romantic, but, after watching this video on You Tube, I'm not convinced.

Senin, 14 Maret 2011


As you know I’m a great believer that humour can relieve the stresses and strains of divorce. I’m not alone. Dan Rosandich, a fulltime cartoonist and illustrator, has put together an extensive collection of divorce cartoons which he licenses for use. Dan tells me that his cartoons have been used not only by lawyers for newsletters but also psychologists and counsellors who have used them to help clients understand certain aspects of their behaviour in a humorous way. I’m all in favour; laughter is a great healer.

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

PW Cavalry Research Afternoon

Saturday, March 19, 2011, from 11:00am until 1:00pm at Brentsville Courthouse Historic Center.

Please see the following for more information: 
Prince William Cavalry Research Afternoon


It may no longer be permissible in England and Wales but across the Atlantic in Illinois you can sue for breach of promise to marry.

The latest in the history of complaints filed for such involves two young lawyers in Chicago, who’d fixed their wedding for 21st August 2010. In time honoured tradition, approximately a month before, the groom went with friends to Las Vegas for a stag night or two. As the complaint that has been lodged says: the groom, “believing that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” did not confess upon his return that he had indulged in intimate relations with one Danielle. Perhaps that was hardly surprising because when the bride to be found out she clearly was none too happy and is now suing her ex whom she claims ultimately called off the marriage on 28 July 2010, and the next day blamed her for his indiscretions in Nevada.

In her complaint the would-have-been bride seeks damages of $62,814.71 for her out of pocket and non-refundable expenses in relation to the wedding, reception and honeymoon together with recompense for the intentional infliction of emotional distress. Alleging breach of a fiduciary duty of implied fidelity the claimant asks the court to find that her ex’s behaviour was “extreme and outrageous” causing her to “suffer severe emotional distress.” By way of compensation she asks the court to award damages in excess of Cook County limits together with punitive damages and her legal fees.

I don’t know what the lady’s chances of success are but the claim is larger than many I’ve seen in divorce cases involving adultery. London might be gaining a reputation as the divorce capital of the world but Chicago must take some beating when it comes to compensation for breaking off engagements!

Senin, 07 Maret 2011

Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

PWCo. Mailing Lists

VAPWILLI is a mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Prince William County, Virginia.  To subscribe send "subscribe" to vapwilli-l-request@rootsweb.com (mail mode) or vapwilli-d-request@rootsweb.com (digest mode).

VACMANAS is a mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the city of Manassas, Virginia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to vacmanas-l-request@rootsweb.com (mail mode) or vacmanas-d-request@rootsweb.com (digest mode). 

VA-CEMETERIES is a mailing list for anyone interested in locating, and preserving historical information about, Virginia cemeteries. It welcomes queries and postings regarding location of graves, cemeteries which have been indexed both on the internet and in other written forms, cemetery research, and the care of tombstones. To subscribe send "subscribe" to va-cemeteries-l-request@rootsweb.com (mail mode) or va-cemeteries-d-request@rootsweb.com (digest mode).

Jumat, 04 Maret 2011


Outdoor Man and I have reached that regrettable stage in life when Little Girl now skis faster and more competently than we can. I recall our pride as doting parents when she took her first footsteps and later, when we had introduced her to the ski slopes our delight when she managed her first long run, snowploughing all the way.

It is therefore with a certain embarrassment that I have to record our apparent glee when on one occasion only during the course of our recent holiday Little Girl actually fell over. However and in time honoured tradition she picked herself up immediately, put in some of the most impressive turns I’ve ever seen as, head held high, she skied down the fall line and away from the offending impediment that had caught her off her guard.

There’s no substitute for keeping one’s dignity in the face of adversity, be it on the ski slopes or in divorce proceedings.

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Will: Charlotte Ewell

Prince William County Will Book  M, pg 402
25 Jan 1826; proved 05 Jun 1826

In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six I CHARLOTTE EWELL of Dumfries being by the blessing of my Heavenly Father of sound mind tho low in health do make this my last Will and Testament revoking all others made prior to this date.  It is my wish (as Legatee to my Father’s Estate what may befal me as an equal portion with the others, as also a debt due me from the same of twenty two pounds ten shilling and six pence with interest since his Death eighteen hundred and five) should be applied to the payment of Eleanor a servant I purchased at the Belair sale as also some other articles which my account will show my physician’s bill and funeral expenses paid and the remainder to be placed in the hands of my sister Weems for the benefit of M. L. WEEMS and F. M. WEEMS as she may think proper and to my beloved sister Weems I give the said Eleanor, Frederick and his sister Mary, to have and to hold by her, her heirs and assigns perfectly free from any title or claim that can be brought against them, as my title is undoubted and I do hereby appoint Mr. Henry C. Slade my Executor of this my last will and testament to which I annex my hand and seal this day the 25 of January 1826.



At a Court of Quarterly Sessions held for Prince William County  the 5th day of June 1826.  This last will and testament of CHARLOTTE EWELL decd. was presented to the Court and being proved by the oaths of Nancy O. Weems and Jesse Chesney is ordered to be recorded.

Teste, PHIL. D. DAWE

Getting Divorce Advice From The Right Source

Divorce advice is very important for individuals to deal with the effects of the divorce. However, just by getting the advice from the right source is also necessary. The advice for divorce basically depends on the factors such as what type of divorce you want and the purpose for using it in your case. It will also help you to deal with all the practical aspects of the divorce apart from providing you emotional support.

It is also necessary to look out for the right sources for getting advice. There are many different types of divorce advices. They include legal advice which can be sought from your lawyer. The laws of divorce vary according to the region. So, they will provide the right advice taking into consideration the laws of the particular region.

The benefits of opting for such advice is that it helps to shift your focus, restart your normal life, relieve all the emotional stress and engage oneself in different activities such as any hobby. The effects of divorce don't last for long time. As time passes, the individual slowly recovers from it. This advice helps to speed up the process and relieve you from the pain.

Divorce advices are available in different types such as when you have finalized the decision for getting a divorce, counseling whether you require a divorce or not, advice about the financial counselor or about the ways to deal with its impact on children.

These advices would provide you the effective measures related to child custody and other actions related to the child and visitation. They will make you aware of your rights and laws in your region.

There are also many online resources which provide you information about divorce advice and tips for dealing with divorce. Apart from these sources other sources include the support groups, relatives and close friends.


Whilst away last week I was waiting in a ski rental shop for Little Girl to be fitted out with skis and boots, when my attention was drawn to a skiing video displayed on a large screen. It began in traditional fashion with expert skiers making their way down through fields of deep powder. It quickly moved onto show more extreme skiers jumping over ever steeper cliffs and overhangs; all young, happy people out to enjoy themselves and with a clear passion for their sport.

Not every would-be ski-jumper made it safely down though; somersaults and back-flips with skis on aren’t exactly designed for secure landings.

Suddenly the camera moved in on one poor participant who had landed on his back. Instead of moving on to show more excessive moves, the film stayed with the victim, as the mountain rescue helicopter landed adjacent to him and then a paramedic administered fluid by drips, before the young man was stretchered off the mountain and flown to a nearby hospital.

It didn’t end there. Instead we were taken inside the operating theatre as a team of surgeons battled to save the skier’s life and finally there was an interview with the lead consultant, holding a section of vertebrae from a human skeleton.

It set me thinking. Health warnings may have started on cigarette packets but where will they stop? If this is what we can now expect in ski-rental shops, how long before we see something similar in bridal wear boutiques or suit hire shops? Films that take you from the magical wedding and honeymoon to domestic banality, followed by arguments and ultimately even divorce itself with a few stern words from a judge.

Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

Prince William County Civil War Units

Co. A, 4th VA Cav. - Prince William Cavalry
Co. H, 15th VA Cav. - Capt. William G. Brawner's Co.
Co. C, 8th VA Inf. - Evergreen Guards
Co. D, 8th VA Inf. - Champe Rifles
Co. F, 17th VA Inf. - Prince William Rifles
Co. A, 49th VA Inf. - Ewell Guards
Co. B, 49th VA Inf. - Quantico Guards

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Idée Déco Chambre de Fille