Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Will: Charlotte Ewell

Prince William County Will Book  M, pg 402
25 Jan 1826; proved 05 Jun 1826

In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six I CHARLOTTE EWELL of Dumfries being by the blessing of my Heavenly Father of sound mind tho low in health do make this my last Will and Testament revoking all others made prior to this date.  It is my wish (as Legatee to my Father’s Estate what may befal me as an equal portion with the others, as also a debt due me from the same of twenty two pounds ten shilling and six pence with interest since his Death eighteen hundred and five) should be applied to the payment of Eleanor a servant I purchased at the Belair sale as also some other articles which my account will show my physician’s bill and funeral expenses paid and the remainder to be placed in the hands of my sister Weems for the benefit of M. L. WEEMS and F. M. WEEMS as she may think proper and to my beloved sister Weems I give the said Eleanor, Frederick and his sister Mary, to have and to hold by her, her heirs and assigns perfectly free from any title or claim that can be brought against them, as my title is undoubted and I do hereby appoint Mr. Henry C. Slade my Executor of this my last will and testament to which I annex my hand and seal this day the 25 of January 1826.



At a Court of Quarterly Sessions held for Prince William County  the 5th day of June 1826.  This last will and testament of CHARLOTTE EWELL decd. was presented to the Court and being proved by the oaths of Nancy O. Weems and Jesse Chesney is ordered to be recorded.

Teste, PHIL. D. DAWE

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