Rabu, 27 Agustus 2008

Dangerous Divorce: Man Tortures Wife for Assets...

A California man, in the middle of a divorce. was arrested after he held his wife captive for 5 days and tortured her with a taser gun. He was trying to force her to give him the martial assets. Luckily, his wife escaped.

I have said this many times before but it is worth repeating, you must protect yourself during a divorce if you have any reason to believe your ex could become dangerous. Too many divorcing women are killed each year despite orders of protection.

You must trust your own inner guidance system, the "little voice" in your head that alerts you to danger. Many times women, who have very sharp instincts, will sense danger about a situation but then tell themselves they are imagining it. If your husband was violent, controlling and abusive during the marriage, you have good reason to consider him dangerous during your divorce.

Divorce brings out the worst in people, emotions are out of control and even sane, normal people can act a little crazy. A man who is already abusive can quickly become out of control during a divorce. Who knows if the California man who tortured his wife ever acted violently before. How many times have you seen stories on the news about murderers and seen their neighbors shaking their heads in shock, saying "what a great guy" the murderer was and how they would of never guessed he was capable of such a crime?

Be on guard at all times. It is better to be safe than sorry. It may be inconvenient and a hassle to have someone walk you out to your car at night or drive you home, but if you have the slightest suspicion that your husband could be dangerous, trust your instincts and protect yourself.

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