Selasa, 26 Agustus 2008

Going Out Again After a Divorce..

I run a divorce support group and at our last meeting, several members confessed that this was one of the few times they have been "out" since their divorce proceedings began. It was scary for them to get up the courage to go out and meet new people. They feel vulnerable, confused and overwhelmed yet long for companionship and someone to talk to.

Most people going through a divorce feel this way in the beginning. You want to go out and start living again but often find yourself immobilized with fear. Despite your best intentions, you never make it to that support group, night out with your friends, or party. Week after week and then month after month passes and you finally realize that your divorce has taken over your life leaving little room for a social life.

The people who did come out for the first time to my divorce support group said they had to force themselves to just do it and they were glad they did. If you find yourself turning down friend's invitations, staying home every weekend and lacking the desire to go out, the best thing to do it to commit to a night out and make yourself follow through. I promise you will feel better and may even enjoy yourself.

Whether it is a divorce support group or just a fun night out with your girlfriends, you need to start enjoying life again. As they say," this too shall pass", and it is so true with divorce. When you are feeling down and like your divorce will never end, know that soon enough the nightmare will be over and a new and exciting new life awaits you.

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