Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Will: Thomas Page

Prince William County Will Book  M, pg 31
13 Jun 1822; proved 07 Jul 1823

In the name of God Amen I being in sound mind and memory do make this my last will and testament.  Inprimis.  I leave to my dear wife & children all the property I now possess as also what is expected from our Richmond claim except as to BACCHUS and MARY who I leave free with an annuity of twenty pounds a year which annuity I solicit my Executors hereafter named to see carried into full effect my friends Robert Page and Michael Cleary of Occoquan will I hop see that my intention is to have its full force resting my hopes in a merciful redeemor I commit my soul to him who we all believe to have been the Saviour of the word.  Given under my hand this 13th day of June 1822.


As a codicil to my will I further direct you should give them two cows & calves and assist them as long as they live for the services rendered me.


At a Court held for Prince William County July 7th 1823.

This last will and testament & codicil thereunder written of THOMAS T. PAGE decd. was presented to the court and it appearing that the same is all in the hand writing of the testator it is ordered to be recorded and Michael Cleary one of the Exors. Therein named came into court and renounced the burden of the Execution thereof, and it further appearing to the satisfaction of the court that Robert Page the other Exor named in the said will declines acting as such, thereupon administration with the said will annexed of Thomas T. Page decd. is granted to Samuel Williams who came into court and made oath to the same according to law, and took the oath of administrator with the will annexed, and entered into and acknowledged a bond with secy. As the law directs.

Teste, P. D. DAWE

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