Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Will: Richard Tomlin

Prince William County Will Book K, pg. 285
30 Dec 1813; proved 04 Apr 1814

I RICHARD TOMLIN of the Town of Dumfries, County of Prince William and State of Virginia being of sound mind & memory and in perfect health do make and ordain this as my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills made by me.  Imprimis I desire that all my just debts be paid.  Item I give and devise to MARGARET TOMLIN my wife one third part of my estate both real and personal during her life.  Item I desire that all the rest of my estate both real and personal and of every kind and description be equally divided amongst my children MARY LOCKER, THOMAS TOMLIN, WILLIAM TOMLIN, RICHARD TOMLIN and MARGARET TOMLIN to them and their heirs forever.  Item it is my will and desire that after my wife’s death, the part of my estate above devised to her be equally divided amongst my children aforementioned Viz. MARY LOCKER, THOMAS TOMLIN, WILLIAM TOMLIN, RICHARD TOMLIN and MARGARET TOMLIN to them and their heirs forever.  In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 30th day of December 1813.


Signed sealed published and declared as & for the last will & testament o the testator in the presence of him.

At a Court held for Prince William County April 4th 1814.

This last will and testament of RICHARD TOMLIN decd. was presented to the Court and being proved by the oaths of PHILIP D. DAWE and JOHN MERCHANT is ordered to be recorded. 

At a Court Cont’d held for sd. County May 3rd 1814.

Administration of the Estate with the will annexed of RICHD. TOMLIN decd. is granted to JOHN MERCHANT he having taken the oath of an Admor. and entered into and acknowledged a bond with security according to law.

Teste,  PHIL. D. DAWE

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