Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Kate targeted by negative 'celebrity' comments

I'm sure you have all seen the recent press headlines regarding Kelly Osbourne's comments about the Duchess of Cambridge. Osbourne appeared on the Jay Leno show and spoke about Kate recycling clothes 'Only in this country they call it a faux pas. In England, they're like, look how thrifty she's being, showing the British public that the Royals are in a recession as well. I'm sorry If I had that job I would only wear it once. If I'm going to be the future bloody Queen of England, I'm going to wear that dress once and that's it'. (The Queen famously recycles her outfits as do most of the Royals, obviously Ms Osbourne didn't do her research :) The daughter of singer Ozzy Osbourne later defended her comments on twitter stating that the press blew the story out of proportion.
Just as the dust began to settle on that story, Another celebrity is today, making headlines due to her comments about Kate's style. British fashion icon Vivienne Westwood said 'I would have loved to have dressed Kate Middleton but I have to wait until she catches up a bit somewhere with style. Let me put it this way, It seems to me her style is ordinary woman, high street shopper'. If that wasn't enough she proceeded to discuss her make up too! 'I think she's got a problem with eye make up. The sharp line around her eyes makes her look hard'
One would imagine Westwood would aspire to have Kate as a client in the future given the fact that almost everything she wears goes out of stock in a matter of hours. Perhaps it is a reflection of how out of touch celebrities have become with reality. The idea that wearing a dress more than once or shopping on the high street could possibly make one less fashionable is quite frankly ridiculous. Duchess Kate has been photographed shopping on the high street since she met William. Why she should conform and change her style just because she is married? Kate is not a model, actress, singer. Is it fair for her appearance to be so highly scrutinised? If her style was appalling or incredibly flamboyant one could understand how it would make headlines but the fact is she never looks anything less than elegant, classic and chic whether it's a public engagement or a trip to the shops. Her fashion sense has become so popular that Vanity Fair named her on their best dressed list. 
Prince Charles reportedly said he felt the couple were becoming 'overexposed'. The press decided he was jealous of their popularity but perhaps it was meant as a word of caution. Naturally with worldwide fame comes good and bad press. Celebrities who mention Kate know it will be front page tabloid news and they may do it to boost their own profile. What are your opinions on these comments? Do you think Kate's appearance is to highly publicised? 

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