Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Easing Legality With DWI Lawyer Dallas

By Rachael Hansen

Driving is a responsibility that occasionally gets taken for granted. Everybody makes mistakes but unfortunately some mistakes are severely punished. To get caught while driving under the influence can mean many things and the consequence of which are extensive. A DWI lawyer Dallas can help people fix their mistakes.

DWI laws vary across states. For instance, in some states if the driver has consumed any amount of alcohol they are considered too impaired to drive while others allow a maximum of one drink an hour before being considered drunk. Other ambiguous areas of intoxication include legal drugs like cough syrup and prescription medications.

The consequence of being caught are severe. The driver who is caught intoxicated while driving will have to pay a lot of money in legal fees and have their license taken away for six months at the least. This is for a first time offender. Jail time might be required and their car could be taken away for a period of time.

A repeated offender will have to deal with their license being taken away for longer than six months. Their jail time and legal fees will be more extensive. For a first timer or repeated offender there are still other consequences. For example, desired job positions may suddenly become unavailable and even a current employer might find reason to fire a current worker because of the conviction.

The price of car insurance will sky rocket with a DWI charge. The driver is now considered to be a high risk liability. Even if there were no damages or injuries that occurred during the incident the rates will still be raised an extraordinary amount. Some companies might even refuse to cover those with a record of intoxicated driving.

After getting arrested the person should invest in a good lawyer. A good lawyer will try to get the license suspension shortened or at least have it so that he or she can drive to and from important things like school and work. Although the person will find that there is a lot of money to be paid to the legal system, investing in an attorney might lead to getting the charge erased and this is worth the cost since in the long run money will be saved by avoiding high insurance rates. Read more about: dwi lawyer Dallas

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