Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Will: John Edges

Prince William county Will Book C, pg. 133
16 July 1737; proved 26 Jun 1738

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I John Edges of the County of Prince William in Virginia being very sick and week in body, but of perfect sence and sound disposing memory thanks be to God do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following.  First I give and bequeath to my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it trusting in my Saviour Jesus Christ to have a joyful Resurrection at the last day, and my body to the Earth to be buried in the Christian Burial at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter mentioned.  Second, I give unto Rachel Spiller Wife of William Spiller Sun one Negro lad called Harry and one Negro Woman named Ginny enduring her natural life and at her Decease then it is my Will that my Kinswoman Elizabeth Maguire shall have the said two Negros Harry & Ginny, her & her heirs for ever but and if the said Negro Woman should have any Children that then the said Rachel Spiller shall have the Disposal of the said Negro Childrens to give to whomsoever she pleases.  Thirdly, I give to Rachel Spiller all the rest of my personal Estate abeit of what kind, nature or quality soever enduring the natural life of the said Rachel Spiller and after her Decease to my Kinswoman Elizabeth Maquire who is now bound to William and Rachel Spiller and to her and her heirs for ever.  Lastly, I do hereby order constitute and appoint my loving friend Rachel Spiller to be my sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament.  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 16th day of July Anno Domini 1737.

Signed Sealed & acknowledged by


In the Sight and Presence of


At a Court held for Prince William County June 26, 1738.

This Will was presented in Court by Rachel Spiller the Executrix within named who made oath thereto and the same being proved by the Oath of the Witnesses to it subscribed was admitted herewith and on the motion of the said Executrix and her performing what is usual in such Cases Certificate was granted her for obtaining a [illegible] thereof in [illegible].

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