Senin, 18 Juli 2011

Responsibilities Of Court Reporting In Chicago

By Elise Clayton

A stenographer is a trained professional who makes use of certain forms of shorthand to transcribe verbal communications or those taken from a recording. This person employs shorthand techniques that were originally used by administrative assistants in an office setting. This professional is often hired to do court reporting Chicago courtrooms need.

The job of a stenographer inside the courtroom needs the use of an important machine known as machine shorthand. This device is fast and easy to use which is why it has the capacity to allow the stenographer to keep up with the verbal speeches and body gestures of significant people inside the courtroom.

The training program for this kind of career requires the tedious task of having to undergo a speed and accuracy training program and a gruesome exam. This exam tests the capabilities of stenography students wherein they are required to type not less than 255 words per minute. This is actually the reason why the drop out rate in stenography schools is so high.

When the stenographer is employed in a courtroom, he/she is responsible for the transcriptions of all testimony, arguments, and rulings as they are being said. Because courtroom proceedings are complex in nature, stenographers need to be extremely accurate and detailed in the information that they are transcribing.

Another kind of courtroom reporting is the one referred to as voice writing. This job is basically the same as that of the stenographers except that they differ in their medium of transcription. Whilst a stenographer uses a machine shorthand, a voice writer uses a stenomask.

This device is a handheld mask enclosing a microphone. The reporter basically repeats every verbal nuance inside the courtroom and will later transcribe it into a written form. Everything that is said in the courtroom, including even the gestures, body language and subtle nuances, should be recorded into the stenomask or written into the machine shorthand.

Stenotypists and voice writers are also hired to the captioning in television shows, news and movies. They are known in the profession as stenocaptioners. Most of them are hired by television networks and stations. They are normally given the task of captioning news, sporting events and emergency broadcasts. Again, accuracy and speed is a prerequisite.

Court reporting Chicago has excellent benefits but the most important is the significant salary that professionals get out of the job. Minor hazards are the only downsides to the job such as stiff necks and back pains. Despite that, many who look for decent careers are looking into stenography for a successful career. Read more about: Court Reporting Chicago

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