Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

If You're Facing Divorce Don't Face It Without The Help Of A Board Certified Austin Divorce Lawyer

By Nancy Taylor

You don't deal well with conflict and confrontation. Unless you're backed into a corner you will always try to find a way to avoid a fight. This has led to you getting taken advantage of on more occasions than you care to recall. Over the years, through bitter experience, you have learned to be very circumspect about who you let get too close.

Unfortunately, you married your husband before that lesson had entirely taken root. He's not a bad man and would never overtly take advantage of you, but he is emotional, and you spent the past eight years avoiding issues on which the two of you do not see eye to eye. Last night was the last straw though you doubt he recognized it. This morning after he went to work, you wrote him a note, telling him that you plan to file for divorce. Then you packed three suitcases and went to stay at the apartment of a friend, who will be out of town for the next three months.

Now, before your cell phone starts to ring, most likely sometime after six tonight, you have to develop some sort of plan. Your friend in whose apartment you've ended up went through a divorce two years ago and has suggested that it needn't be daunting and confrontational. This is what the Austin divorce lawyer she hired told her: "When it comes to divorce there are a few different avenues that all lead in due time to the same final destination."

## Negotiation

In a negotiation you and your spouse try to come to an agreement as to what is fair. You have a lawyer providing you advice and counsel and so, most likely, does your spouse, but the actual communication is between you and your spouse. If you are not comfortable with possible confrontation then this route is, perhaps, not for you.

## Mediation

In mediation, a neutral third party, ie an individual not representing either you or your spouse, possibly an Austin family lawyer, attempts to help moderate the negotiations. This person may simply be present for direct negotiations or act as a go between if in person negotiations aren't possible. A mediator does not have authority to impose a judgment and simply acts as an informed qualified third party.

## Collaboration

During a collaborative divorce both parties retain the service of a lawyer and those lawyers both take active roles in the procedure but there exists a written agreement ahead of time which clearly states that both sides agree to pursue a negotiated settlement which eliminates the need to go up in front of a judge. If both sides are responsive to this idea it is an excellent, highly effective paradigm.

## Litigation

The traditional depiction of divorce wherein each side retains a lawyer who vigorously pursues the best interest of his or her client in front of a judge. Traditionally litigated divorces can often be long, drawn-out affairs that tend towards acrimony and animosity.

If you're facing the prospect of divorce and are looking for a qualified Austin divorce lawyer, simply go online and Google "Divorce Austin. TX" for a list of board certified lawyers and firms. Divorce is never easy, especially if you are not comfortable with confrontation, but a dedicated Austin divorce lawyer can make the process, at the very least, easier.

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