Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Will: Mary Mount

Prince William County Will Book M, p. 499
October 4, 1826; Probate July 2, 1827

I Mary Mount of the County of Prince William and State of Virginia being in delicate health and being advised by my Physicians that it is important to my health to visit the southern country and whereas owing to the peculiar manner in which my Father William Mount devised his Estate to his children it is doubtful whether my Brother Thomas C. Mount administrator of my Father's Estate will be justified advancing me a sufficient quantity of money to carry me to the southern country and whereas also William Byrne owe the securities of my brother by reason of such an act may become liable as security of my brother for such malfeasance as administrator.  Now I Mary Mount, being anxious to secure said William Byrne against such liability as also to return to my brother Thomas C. Mount any money he may advance to carry me to the south do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say  I give to William Byrne of Fauquier County State of Virginia all my rights title and interest in and to the Personal Estate devised by my Father William Mount to secure him against any liability as the security of my brother Thomas C. Mount and if by reason of any malfeasance of my brother as administrator of my Father it should take my brothers interest in my Father's Estate and my portion of the personal property also to make William Byrne safe as security aforesaid it is my will and desire that he should have it, but if he the said William Byrne should not suffer by reason of his being security as aforesaid or if his hability should not consume the whole of my interest in order to save him harmless as security aforesaid, then it is my will and desire that my brother Thomas C. Mount should have as much of my estate as will satisfy him for the amount advanced to carry me to the south and the balance of my estate if any there should be after indemnifying said William Byrne as security and my brother Thomas C. Mount for the advancements made to me I desire may be given equally to all my brothers and sisters.  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 4th day of October in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and Twenty six.

Mary Mount {seal}

Signed and sealed and Published as the last will and testament of Mary Mount in presence of us,
Thomas Foster,
Charles Hunton

At a court held for Prince William County July 2nd 1827.  This last will and testament of Mary Mount deceased was presented to the Court and being proved by the oaths of Thomas Foster, and Charles Hunton, is admitted to record.

Teste. P. D. Dawe

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