An age projected photo of Diana strolling alongside her admiring daughter in law, the Duchess of Cambridge features on the cover of the popular magazine. Diana's digitally engineered photo showing what she would look like now is of very poor quality, A photo of Kate attending Sam Waley Cohen's wedding in a Zara dress is placed beside Diana. Brown writes 'Diana would have gone the J crew and Galliano route a la Michelle Obama, always knowing how to mix the casual with the glam. There is no doubt she would have kept her chin taut with strategic botox shots and her bare arms buff from the gym. I believe her best male friend in later years would have been, poignantly, her reviled first husband. She would have initially found Kate threatening. Her edge over Kate, of course was her own epic of princessly suffering, which would always make Diana's story more interesting'. She continues to state that she thinks Diana would be living in a New York apartment and would even be friends on facebook with Camilla. (I for one can not see this as a remote possibility)
All of this of course, is simply speculation. Diana was so greatly loved by millions, everyone would have their own idea of how she would have been now. I think Princess Diana and Duchess Kate would have been close friends. They share a love for fashion and mostly a love for William. Diana would still be beautiful and probably promoting her charitable causes. At this time of her life she may have been given the opportunity to retreat from the public eye with the media glare now firmly on Kate.
Diana's possible facebook wall |
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