Selasa, 05 April 2011

Will: William Brown

Prince William County Will Book I, pg. 319
08 Jan 1807; proved 02 Feb 1807

In the name of God Amen I WILLIAM BROWN of Prince William County being sick tho of sound memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament.  First it is my will and desire that after all my just debts and funeral expenses are paid it is my will and desire that my Executors pay to ANN EVANS twenty five pounds it being a sum due her for her services.  Item I give to my son JOHN BROWN all that tract of land in said County of Prince William lying in Tarripin Forest containing four hundred & eighty acres be the same more or less I give to the sd. JOHN BROWN and his heirs forever.

Item I give to my son THOMAS BROWN the lands whereon I now live containing one hundred and ninety six acres be the same more or less I give the same to my said son THOMAS BROWN & his heirs forever having given to my daughter MARY ANNE TEBBS two negroes named SARAH and STEFNY one horse and a feather bed and furniture shall not give her any thing more.  Item its my will and desire that the remainder of my estate of every kind whatever consisting of one thousand acres of land in the state of Kentucky fourteen slaves and their increase stocks of every kind household & kitchen furniture plantation utensils money debts due me and every thing else to me belonging or which I have a right to be equally divided amongst my three children to wit my son JOHN BROWN my son THOMAS BROWN and my daughter LYDDA BURN and each childs part I give to him or her and him and her heirs forever.  I constitute and appoint my two sons JOHN BROWN THOMAS BROWN and my son in law URIAH BURN my Executors of this my last Will and Testament.  In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this eight day of January 1807.


Signed sealed published and declared before us


At a Court held for Prince William County Feby 2nd 1807

This last will & testament of WM. BROWN decd was presented to the Court by URIAH BYRNE and of the EXORS therein named who made oath thereto according to law and the same being proved by the oaths of FRANCIS MONTGOMERY, GRIFFIN MATHEWS and RICHARD MARSHALL is ordered to be recorded and the said Byrne having taken the oath of an Exor. and entered into bond with security according to law certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.



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