Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Will: Basil Brawner (1817)

After posting yesterday's newspaper account regarding the Sad Accident at Alexandria to Basil Brawner in 1891, I thought I'd share this Will of another (older) Basil Brawner.

Prince William County Will Book L, pg 95
24 Jun 1813; proved 01 Dec 1817

In the name of God Amen I BASIL BRAWNER of the County of Prince William & State of Virginia being in good health of body and of sound and disposing mind and memory and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs whilst I have strength and capacity so to do, do make and publish this my last will and testament in form and manner following.  Viz:  1st I give and devise to my son WILLIAM BRAWNER the tract of land which I purchased of JAMES KEMPE and on which he the said WILLIAM now lives to his own proper use and behoof forever also I give and bequeath to him a negro boy named NED now in his possession.  2nd I give and devise to my son JOHN BRAWNER two tracts or parcels of land Viz the one on which I now live being the tract which I bought of MILTON and the one on which he the said JOHN BRAWNER now lives being the tract which I purchased of MARJORAM, these tracts of land I do devise to his own proper use and behoof forever together with a negro girl named CELIA now in his possession.  3rd To my daughter SARAH GAINES I give and bequeath two negro girls named HANNAH & MARY already in her possession, also one horse valued $50.  4th to my daughter NANCY GAINS I give and bequeath negro girl DINAH and negro boy JEERRY already in her possession.  5th The remainder of my estate I leave and will to be equally divided amongst my children and lastly considering the tract of land above devised to my son WILLIAM as being more valuable than the two parcels herein devised to my son JOHN, I do hereby will and determine that in case I should die before the payment for said tract is fully made that the said WILLIAM be bound in his person and effects to complete the same.  In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal this  day of December in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve.

Witness present.

My will & desire is that there shall be another crop made at each place beside the present crop growing before a division of the estate shall take place & the money arising from the sales of the said crops shall be appropriated to the payment of my debts.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand affixed my seal this 24th day of June 1813.


Signed, sealed, delivered and acknowledged as & for my last will & testament


At a Court held for Prince William County Decemr. 1st 1817.  This last will and testament of BASIL BRAWNER decd. was presented to the Court and being proved by the oath of DADE HOOE and the handwriting of GEORGE GRAHAM a witness thereto who is dead being proved by the oath of CHS. EWELL and the handwriting of WM. H. WINTER another subscribing witness thereto who is absent without the Commonwealth of Virginia was proved by the oath of NATHAN HAISLIP and is ordered to be recorded and administration with the will annexed of BASIL BRAWNER decd is granted to JOHN BRAWNER who took the oath of an administrator and entered into and acknowledged a bond with security according to law.

Teste, PHIL. D. DAWE

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