Selasa, 26 April 2011

Will: Richard Gray

Prince William County Will Book H, pg. 493
20 Nov 1798; proved 6 Dec 1802

In the name of God amen I RICHARD GRAY of County of Prince William & State of Virginia being very sick of body but perfect sound mind and memory and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is once appointed for all men to die do make this my last will and testament and do devise and dispose of what it hath pleased God to bless with in this life in the following manner and form as follows Viz.

And first of all I recommend my soul to God that first gave it me nothing doubting but I shall receive the same at the General Resurrection at the last day & my body to be buryed in Christian manner at the discretion of my Executors whom hereafter I shall appoint.

Item.  I give and bequeath unto my loving wife MARY GRAY all & every part of my estate as it now stands both real and personally during her natural life and at her death as follows. 

Item I give & bequeath unto my loving son WILLIAM GRAY one negro man named ADAM one negro boy named ANTHONY & one negro girl named JANNEY to him and his heirs for ever.

Item I give and bequeath unto my loving son JAMES GRAY one negro woman named SARAH and one negro boy named DANIEL but if the above mentioned negro woman SARAH should have any more children hereafter they are to be equally divided between my son RICHARD GRAY and my son JAMES GRAY but at the death of my son RICHARD GRAY the hole of them with increas is to return to my son JAMES GRAY forever and as to my least lott of lands whereon I now live and my stock of every kind and my houshold and kitchen furniture and plantation & essentials my just debts are justly to be paid out of them and at the death of my wife the lott of land stock of every kind house hold furniture of every kind and plantation essentials of every kind is to be equally divided between my three sons WILLIAM GRAY, RICHARD GRAY, and JAMES GRAY as to my five children that are married and gone from me I have given them their parts allready that is to say my daughter ELLENDER NELSON & my son BENJAMIN GRAY & my son SAMUEL GRAY and my son CHARLES GRAY and my daughter EMLEY CALVERT and I do hereby appoint and ordain my son WILLIAM GRAY my son RICHARD GRAY & my son JAMES GRAY my whole & sole Executors of this my last will and testament and do hereby revoke disannul and disallow all & every bequeath or bequest legacy will or testament before this time mentioned ratifying and confirming this and kno other as witness my hand & seal this 20th day of November 1798.

RICHARD [his mark] GRAY  {seal}



Interlined before signed

At a Court Held for Prince William County the 6th day of December 1802.

This last will and testament of RICHARD GRAY decd. was presented to the Court and being proved by the oath of SAMUEL JACKSON & was ordered to be recorded WM. And JAMES GRAY given as Executors.



Ct Cur

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