Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Elton John's tears for Diana at Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding

Sir Elton John's tears for Diana
At Prince William and Kate's wedding

The Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding may have been a happy occasion, but Sir Elton John's tears may be a giveaway to his mixed emotions on the day. While no-doubt happy for Prince William and Kate Middleton, the singer was returning to Westminser Abbey, where close friend Princess Diana's funeral service took place 14 years ago.

 Prince William Wedding News : Sir Elton John's tears for Diana at Prince William and Kate's wedding

The Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding may have been a happy occasion, but Sir Elton John's tears may be a giveaway to his mixed emotions on the day.

Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding Highlights!!

Prince William and Kate Middleton's
Royal Wedding Highlights!!

 Video Links :

1.   Prince William and Kate marry at Westminster Abbey

2.  Moments from the marriage of Prince William and Kate


Prince William and Kate drive out!!!

Prince William and Kate drive out!!!

Prince William and Kate Middleton drive out of Buckingham Palace in
Prince Charles's Aston Martin. The Royal Couple, Prince William and Kate surprised crowds as they drove out of Buckingham Palace in a vintage car decorated with the number plate “JU5T WED”.

In the most informal part of the Royal Wedding celebrations, Prince William and Kate Middleton waved from the convertible while an RAF rescue helicopter flew overhead.  Prince William and Kate emerged from the palace gates at about 3.35pm in a dark blue Aston Martin DB6 MkII belonging to the Prince of Wales.  The car, which runs on bioethanol fuel distilled from surplus British wine, was festooned with red, white and blue streamers tied to the bonnet, rosettes on the windscreen and an “L” learner plate on the front.

Jumat, 29 April 2011

Prince William and Kate First Kiss After Wedding

Prince William and Kate First Kiss After Wedding

The newly married Royal Couple, Prince William and Kate, have kissed on the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

Prince William and Kate's Emotional Message

Prince William and Kate's Emotional Message

Prince William and Kate have broken with tradition to issue an emotional message thanking well wishers for their support. In the heartfelt message printed at the beginning of their souvenir program, the Royal Couple, Prince William and Kate say they are deeply touched by people's reactions as they prepare for "one of the happiest days of our lives".

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William and Kate's Emotional Message

The bride and groom say Prince William and Kate have been "incredibly moved" by the affection shown to them since their engagement. The depth of
Prince William and Kate's devotion to each other has also emerged in a very personal wedding message.  A piece of paper, seen resting on the back seat of bride-to-be Kate's car, and believed to be part of a wedding reception speech, has given a brief taste of the couple's devotion.

Kate's wedding ring made of Welsh Gold given to grandson Prince William by The Queen

Kate's wedding ring made of Welsh gold
Given to Prince William by The Queen

Kate Middleton's wedding ring was fashioned by Welsh jewellers from a piece of Welsh gold given to Prince William by his grandmother The Queen, the palace said today. Prince Harry, younger brother of Prince William and best man, will carry the gold band into Westminster Abbey and pass it to the bridegroom, who will place it on the bride's finger during the wedding ceremony.

 Prince William Wedding News: Kate's wedding ring made of Welsh gold given to Prince William by The Queen

It has been made out of a piece of gold from the Clogau St David's mine at Bontddu in north Wales, the source for Royal Wedding Rings since the 1920s.The Queen gave the gold to Prince William shortly after Prince William and Kate announced their engagement in November.

Prince William greets Public On eve of Royal Wedding

Prince William greets Public on eve of Royal Wedding

Prince William surprised well-wishers camped outside Buckingham Palace with a brief walk-about on the eve of his wedding as London prepared for the biggest royal celebration in 30 years. The 28-year-old Prince William said he was nervous and determined just to "get the lines right" when Prince William
married his live-in partner of eight years Kate Middleton at 11am London time (8pm AEST).

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William greets public on eve of royal wedding

Deborah Lee, one of the hundreds who have turned the mall into a camp site to get prime positions for the pageantry, said she was thrilled to meet
Prince William when he emerged onto the Mall from St James Palace, a few hundred metres from Buckingham Palace.

Prince William and Kate Spend last night apart

Prince William and Kate spend last night apart

PRINCE William and Kate Middleton spent their last night as singles several miles apart – Kate in a small luxury hotel, Prince William at Clarence House, both surrounded by family. Prince William and Kate will next see other tonight at Westminster Abbey for the Royal Wedding watched 'round the world.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William and Kate spend last night apart

Kate arrived at the boutique Goring Hotel in central London about 5.45pm local time accompanied by her sister and maid-of-honour, Pippa, and their mother, Carole.The 29-year-old bride-to-be, dressed in a black print dress and white jacket, appeared relaxed and smiling as she ran her fingers through her long, straight hair and waved several times at the crowd gathered behind police barricades to watch the bridal party arrivals. A white canopy, designed to shield Kate from cameras as she leaves tonight in her still-secret wedding dress, extended from the hotel onto the pavement outside.

Prince William, 28 was to dine overnight at Clarence House, a four-storey royal residence on the Mall, with his father, Prince Charles, brother, Prince Harry, and stepmother, the Duchess of Cornwall.

Kamis, 28 April 2011

Chancery Order of Publication

You've probably seen a few of these when browsing the Notices section of your local newspaper.  Then, as now, Chancery and other estate and court proceedings were published so that all parties could be made aware of the Order (especially if they were out of State or hard to locate).

This Order of Publication concerned a chancery case between James Lawrence Cole, Executor of Jane Cole, deceased (his mother and my gggreat-grandmother) versus S. B. Howell and M.C. Howell.

Prince William and Kate choose popular hymns

Prince William and Kate Middleton
Choose popular hymns
Prince William and his fiancee Kate Middleton have chosen three of their favourite songs for Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding day - Jerusalem, and two others with a strong association with Wales.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William and Kate Middleton choose popular hymns

The rousing words of 'Guide me, O thou great redeemer' - better known today as the Welsh rugby anthem Bread of Heaven - is the first to be performed on the wedding day. Prince William of Wales is also the vice-royal patron of the Welsh Rugby Union. The hymn was also sung at the funeral service of mother of
Prince William, Diana Princess of Wales in 1997 and at a memorial service to mark the 10th anniversary of her death, so it may have bitter sweet memories for the Prince William .

Prince William Ready for Next Phase: Marriage

Prince William Ready for Next Phase: Marriage

When Prince William was born, Britons rejoiced at the sight of him in his mother's arms. Prince William was heralded as a king in waiting who would take the Windsor dynasty into the next generation and the next century.When Princess Diana died, and Prince William and his younger brother Prince Harry trudged behind her funeral cortege, much of that outpouring of grief was transformed into affection for the young princes, with many around the world hoping the boys could somehow transcend their loss and find happiness.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William Ready for Next Phase: Marriage

So it's no surprise that Prince William — now an earnest Royal Air Force helicopter search and rescue pilot — enjoys the public's goodwill as
Prince William prepares to marry Kate Middleton and begin the next phase of a journey that is expected to see him follow Prince William's grandmother and his father to the throne.

Prince William and Kate Rehearse Wedding Final Time

Prince William and Kate Middleton
Rehearse Wedding Final Time

Tweet A smiling Prince William and Kate Middleton arrived at Westminster Abbey on Wednesday night to run through their wedding ceremony.  Prince William , 28, wore a charcoal grey suit and Kate Middleton, 29, wore a black dress as they arrived in a chauffer-driven Range Rover at sunset. Best man Prince Harry, 26, and the maid of honor, Kate's sister Pippa Middleton, 27, arrived in a silver van. They were flanked by two motorcycle police officers.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William and Kate Middleton Rehearse Wedding Final Time

 It was Prince William and Kate Middleton's last rehearsal before Friday's wedding, according to multiple news reports. Prince William and Kate were quickly ushered into a side entrance. "It was really surreal," says Carolyn Houghton from Medford, Ore. "In America, the crowd would have been screaming. But here, everyone was very quiet and orderly. But I do wish they would have stopped and waved for a minute."


Prince William and Kate Relax in build-up to Ceremony

Prince William and Kate Middleton
Relax in build-up to ceremony

Within touching distance of their wedding, you might expect Prince William and Kate Middleton to be making frantic last-minute arrangements for the biggest day of their lives. But Prince William and Kate Middleton looked anything but a couple who are about to take their vows in front of two billion people as they adopted a distinctly low-key approach to their preparations.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William and Kate Middleton relax in build-up to ceremony

Prince William enjoys a game of football ahead of his wedding. Just 48 hours before she becomes a royal bride, Miss Middleton was spotted unloading a cardboard box from Tesco from her car at Clarence House. The Prince William , meanwhile, played five-a-side football in Battersea Park, south London, wearing a thrown-together kit of mismatched socks, shorts and T-shirt.

Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding Parties

Prince William and Kate's
Royal Wedding Parties in Melbourne

Thousands of Victorians are getting in the Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding spirit, with celebration parties planned across the state and a live telecast shown at Federation Square.  Crowds are expected to flock to the city hub, which has confirmed it will show the Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding live on the big screen on Friday, April 29.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding Parties in Melbourne 

Prince William and Kate Middleton's big day will also be celebrated in pubs across the city, making the tough decision to ditch the Carlton v Sydney game in favour of the royal spectacle. And as royal watchers keenly wait for Kate's wedding dress to be revealed - and to compare it with the gowns of earlier royal brides Princess Diana and the Duchess of York - many are planning private parties to follow the Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding live broadcasts from 7pm

Rabu, 27 April 2011

Profile of ' golden boy ' Prince William

Prince William : Desire for normality Dominated Prince's early adulthood 

Flight Lieutenant Prince William Wales aspires to be both real and royal, and a desire for normality has dominated his early adulthood. Will marriage help him to maintain the balance between public duty and private happiness?

 Prince William Wedding News: Profile of 'golden boy' Prince William

Nobodies may fantasise about being princes, but not so avidly as some princes hanker to be nobodies. The last time Prince William had the thrill of being unknown was in Botswana’s Okavango Delta last year. “The locals haven’t got a clue who I am, and I love that,”  Prince William said.

Prince William : The Monarchy's New Hope

Prince William : New Hope of The Monarchy

When Prince William walks his university sweetheart Kate Middleton down the aisle on Friday, it will be the next step for Princess Diana's eldest son,
Prince William on his journey to becoming king. Prince William has overcome the tragedy of his mother's death when Prince William was 15 to become the great hope of the British Royal family in the 21st century.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William : The Monarchy's New Hope 

Opinion polls show a majority of the public want the 28-year-old second in line to the throne to leapfrog his father Prince Charles in the order of succession and take the throne after Queen Elizabeth II. Such a move is highly unlikely, but it is a measure of popularity of Prince William . Where Charles is stuffy, traditional and surrounded by staff, his eldest son, Prince William has managed to lead a relatively normal life by Royal standards.

Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding Secret Watchers

Not everyone's got the needle: Sydney's secret
Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding watchers

Your boyfriend thinks you're crazy and most of your girlfriends "have plans".
But you've managed to find one contact in your phone, workplace or on Facebook, who shares your dirty little secret. You both want to watch the Royal Wedding on Friday night. You both want to watch the Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding on Friday night.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding Secret watchers
Micro-sculpture artist Willard Wigan's work showing Prince William and Kate Middleton in an eye of a needle.

You do have options and you are not alone. There are thousands of people all over Sydney planning parties to watch Prince William hitch his wagon to Kate's.

Prince William and Kate's Modern Royal Wedding

Prince William and Kate
Plan a Modern Royal Wedding

Many aspects of wedding are dictated by tradition but the couple, Prince William and Kate is making some key decisions. Kate Middleton and Prince William have made key decisions about their wedding, including the choice of charities to benefit from donations in lieu of gifts.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William and Kate's Modern Royal Wedding

The wedding hats are trimmed, the horses and carriages have been shod and shined, the cakes and flowers and canapés soon will be pouring out of Buckingham Palace's kitchens and perfuming Westminster Abbey. Months of carefully staged-managed preparations conclude next Friday when
Prince William of Wales and his fiancé, Catherine "Kate" Middleton, wed in a ritual blending tradition, pageantry and modernity under the gaze of a billion eyes and in a likely flood of a zillion tweets.

Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding Gift Fund

The Prince William and Kate Middleton Charitable Gift Fund

Prince William and Kate Middleton have created a charitable gift fund to help celebrate Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding. The fund will focus on assisting charities which support the five causes chosen by the couple. These causes are close to their hearts and reflect the experiences, passions and values of their lives so far. Having been touched by the goodwill shown to them since their engagement.

 Prince William Wedding News: The Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding Charitable Gift Fund

Prince William and Kate Middleton have asked that anyone wishing to send them a wedding gift consider doing so in the form of a donation to the fund.

Prince William and Kate Royal Wedding: Granny Guen Claim her Spot

Prince William and Kate Middleton royal wedding:
Granny Guen Murray among first to claim her spot

After four Royal Weddings, Guen Murray isn't jaded. She still wants a front seat when Prince William and Kate Middleton tie the knot Friday. So the 76-year-old granny decamped in front of Westminster Abbey just before 9 a.m. Tuesday, ready to brave the elements for three days and nights.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William and Kate Middleton royal wedding: Granny Guen Murray among first to claim her spot

"This is the best spot," said Murray who traveled from Norfolk in the English countryside with her two daughters. "They are a good royal family so I want to support them. And I think Prince William and Kate are a very nice couple."
"If I get a glimpse of Prince William and Kate Middleton - that's all I need."

Prince William and Kate Outdo Prince Charles & Di?

Will Prince William and Kate Outdo
Prince Charles and Diana?

Prince William is no Prince Charles, and Kate Middleton is no Princess Diana. But not in a way you may think.Per Britain's Sun, some 3 billion hopeless romantics will tune in Prince William and Kate's nuptials on Friday—and, in the process, leave Charles and Diana's wedding in the dust.

 Prince William Wedding News: Will Prince William and Kate Outdo Prince Charles and Diana?

Even when population differentials are considered, the Sun's incredibly optimistic guesstimate has Prince William and Kate running circles around the groom's parents. An audience of 3 billion would mean a staggering 44 percent of the globe's 6.8 billion tuned in the kids. In 1981, the Charles and Di shindig, said to have been watched by 750 million, captured 17 percent of the world's then-4.5 billion.

Prince William and Country Are Lucky to have Kate

Royal Wedding: Prince William and Country Are Lucky to have Kate Middleton

Sensible, steely but warm-hearted, Kate Middleton will bring a refreshing informality to the custom-bound royals, says Allison Pearson. Marrying the man you love might be considered enough of a first for any woman. But on Friday at 11am, when Catherine Middleton steps into Westminster Abbey to exchange vows with Prince William , this commoner will become a true royal pioneer.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William and country are lucky to have Kate Middleton

Kate will be the first royal bride to have a university degree, the first to have lived with her husband, Prince William before marriage, the first to have a mother who used to be an air hostess, the first to be raised in a house that has a street number instead of a fancy name and a moat with swans. Whatever snobs may say about the suitability of the match between the middle-class Miss Middleton and the monarchy, there can be no doubt of one glorious fact: some day, she will be the first Queen of the United Kingdom to have fallen over at a roller disco in a pair of yellow hotpants.

It is Kate’s only serious slip-up so far. Not bad for a girl who has had to endure the longest job interview in history. Kate was 19 when, in 2001, she met Prince William during their first term at St Andrews University. Prince William and Kate became friends – and, eight months later, more than that. Fast forward eight years and Kate was two months away from her 29th birthday when
Prince William and Kate Middleton's engagement was announced.

Selasa, 26 April 2011

HOW TO: Following the Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding Online

Prince William and Kate's
Royal Wedding Online

If you haven’t heard, the UK’s Prince William and
Catherine ( better known as Kate ) Middleton are getting married at
Westminster Abbey in London on Friday, April 29. (We assume you have.)

 Prince William Wedding News: HOW TO: Follow the Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding Online

It will be easy enough to follow along on TV with nearly every major news network running of hours of coverage ahead of the Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding which takes place at 10 a.m. BST
(9 a.m. GMT, 2 a.m. PT, 5 a.m. ET). There are, however, plenty of options for getting your Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding fix online.

Elton John: 'Princess Diana Would Be Very Happy With Choice of Prince William '

Sir Elton John: 'Princess Diana Would Be Very Happy With Choice of Prince William '

Sir Elton John is confident late mother of Prince William would approve of her son's bride-to-be Kate Middleton, insisting his dear friend would be 'very, very happy' about the impending nuptials.

 Prince William Wedding News: Sir Elton John: 'Princess Diana Would Be Very Happy With Choice of Prince William '

The "Rocket Man" hitmaker Sir Elton John and his partner David Furnish will be among the guests as the British royal, Prince William exchanges vows with
Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey in London on Friday. Sir Elton admits the day will be bittersweet without the mother of Prince William , Princess Diana, in attendance, and returning to the venue where he sang at the late royal's funeral 14 years ago will bring back painful memories.

Prince William Spent Easter with Kate's Family

Prince William Spent Easter with Kate Middleton's Family

Chocolate-loving Prince William enjoyed Easter Sunday with Prince William's future in-laws, far from the pre-wedding craze that has taken over London.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William Spent Easter with Kate Middleton's Family

Prince William , 28, who is very close to fiancée Kate Middleton's family, didn't feel the pull of joining Queen Elizabeth and the extended royals at Windsor Castle. Instead, Prince William opted to join the Middletons at church in Berkshire, and then Prince William had lunch at their home in Bucklebury.

Will: Richard Gray

Prince William County Will Book H, pg. 493
20 Nov 1798; proved 6 Dec 1802

In the name of God amen I RICHARD GRAY of County of Prince William & State of Virginia being very sick of body but perfect sound mind and memory and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is once appointed for all men to die do make this my last will and testament and do devise and dispose of what it hath pleased God to bless with in this life in the following manner and form as follows Viz.

And first of all I recommend my soul to God that first gave it me nothing doubting but I shall receive the same at the General Resurrection at the last day & my body to be buryed in Christian manner at the discretion of my Executors whom hereafter I shall appoint.

Item.  I give and bequeath unto my loving wife MARY GRAY all & every part of my estate as it now stands both real and personally during her natural life and at her death as follows. 

Item I give & bequeath unto my loving son WILLIAM GRAY one negro man named ADAM one negro boy named ANTHONY & one negro girl named JANNEY to him and his heirs for ever.

Item I give and bequeath unto my loving son JAMES GRAY one negro woman named SARAH and one negro boy named DANIEL but if the above mentioned negro woman SARAH should have any more children hereafter they are to be equally divided between my son RICHARD GRAY and my son JAMES GRAY but at the death of my son RICHARD GRAY the hole of them with increas is to return to my son JAMES GRAY forever and as to my least lott of lands whereon I now live and my stock of every kind and my houshold and kitchen furniture and plantation & essentials my just debts are justly to be paid out of them and at the death of my wife the lott of land stock of every kind house hold furniture of every kind and plantation essentials of every kind is to be equally divided between my three sons WILLIAM GRAY, RICHARD GRAY, and JAMES GRAY as to my five children that are married and gone from me I have given them their parts allready that is to say my daughter ELLENDER NELSON & my son BENJAMIN GRAY & my son SAMUEL GRAY and my son CHARLES GRAY and my daughter EMLEY CALVERT and I do hereby appoint and ordain my son WILLIAM GRAY my son RICHARD GRAY & my son JAMES GRAY my whole & sole Executors of this my last will and testament and do hereby revoke disannul and disallow all & every bequeath or bequest legacy will or testament before this time mentioned ratifying and confirming this and kno other as witness my hand & seal this 20th day of November 1798.

RICHARD [his mark] GRAY  {seal}



Interlined before signed

At a Court Held for Prince William County the 6th day of December 1802.

This last will and testament of RICHARD GRAY decd. was presented to the Court and being proved by the oath of SAMUEL JACKSON & was ordered to be recorded WM. And JAMES GRAY given as Executors.



Ct Cur

Senin, 25 April 2011

Simon Cowell guru to direct Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding TV coverage

Cowell guru to direct Prince William and Kate's
Royal Wedding TV coverage

Simon Cowell's X Factor stage manager has been drafted in to direct television coverage of Friday's glittering Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding. Diccon Ramsay, 27, will aim to film every detail as Prince William , 28, weds 29-year-old Kate Middleton. He'll effectively signal her walk down the Westminster Abbey aisle.

 Prince William Wedding News: Cowell guru to direct Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding TV coverage 

An amazing array of technical wizardry will be used to bring TV coverage of the Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding bang up to date - as two billion viewers tune in.

Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding FAQ

Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding: What you need to know

Prince William and Kate Middleton will marry at Westminster Abbey on April 29. Here are some key details about the Royal Wedding.

 Prince William Wedding News: rince William and Kate's Royal Wedding FAQ

Will there be a procession before or after the Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding ceremony?

The couple will travel separately on their way to the wedding service. Miss Middleton will travel in a Rolls Royce with her father, while Prince William will travel in a Bentley with Prince Harry. After the wedding, Prince William and Kate Middleton will travel in a 1902 State Landau horse-drawn carriage to Buckingham Palace, leading a five-carriage procession along a route that includes Parliament Square, Whitehall, Horse Guards Parade and The Mall.

Street Parties Set for the Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding

Street Parties Set for
Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding

About 5,500 street parties will be held across Britain to toast next Friday's wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, although the royal nuptials
appear to have failed to excite locals in east London.

 Prince William Wedding News: Street Parties Set fot Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding 

Across the capital as a whole, there will be more than 800 Street Parties set for the Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding while the southeastern counties of Surrey, Hertfordshire and Kent, which surround London, have between them also received several hundred requests for Prince William and Kate Middleton's
Royal Wedding Street Parties.

How Britons View The Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding

How Britons View the Upcoming
Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding

Prince William and Kate Middleton are players in a drama that's being watched across the world. Prince William and Kate Middleton's image is plastered everywhere, accompanied with stories about Prince William 's stag party,
Kate Middleton's dress and other assorted scraps of wedding trivia.

 Prince William Wedding News: How Britons View The Upcoming Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding

But who are these two young people ( Prince William and Kate Middleton ) really? The British are strangely addicted to quizzes. In pubs across the land, groups of Britons gather every week to test each other's general knowledge. In the weekly quiz at a Sheffield pub, the contestants talk about the Royal Couple,
Prince William and Kate Middleton. And across town at another tavern, a group called Skeptics in the Pub discusses the Prince William and Kate Middleton and what awaits them.

Treasure Coast parties for Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding

Treasure Coast watch parties to toast
Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding

As the House of Windsor celebrates the nuptials of Prince William and Kate
at 11 a.m. April 29 London time, ladies at the "House of Gallagher" will already have been toasting the Royal Couple, Prince William and Kate Middleton for an hour and a half, beginning at 4:30 a.m. Treasure Coast time.

 Prince William Wedding News: Treasure Coast watch parties to toast Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding

"Everybody's excited about celebrating the Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding," said Joanne Gallagher, who's hosting the party at the Racquet Club in Vero Beach, "and nobody seems to have a problem with the early start."

Prince William and Kate's Honeymoon in Australia?

Prince William and Kate's Honeymoon in Australia?

According to London's Sunday Mirror, royal sources expect Prince William and Princess Catherine to head to the exclusive island off north Queensland for their post-nuptial escape. The tabloid says the newlyweds, Prince William and Kate will likely spend their wedding night, on Friday, at Buckingham Palace then on Saturday head to Balmoral in Scotland before setting off for an overseas honeymoon. Prince Charles, ''spent time on Lizard Island as a young bachelor'', the newspaper reported. '' Prince William, royal sources indicate, is set to renew the connection.''

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William and Kate's Honeymoon in Australia?

'' Prince William himself dropped what may have been a heavy hint when
Prince William spoke to well-wishers during a brief visit to Cairns last month,
'' the paper said yesterday. ''I've always wanted to dive the Great Barrier Reef,
'' it quotes the Prince William as saying. ''I will have to come back. Maybe we'll have a honeymoon in Cairns.''

Minggu, 24 April 2011

Guests: Who is going to the Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding?

Who's going to the Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding? Check out the guest list!

Buckingham Palace on Saturday released an edited guest list for Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding. Top of the list is singer and musician
Elton John, and Comedian Rowan Atkinson, more famously known as Mr Bean, is described as a close friend of the Prince William . No doubt the Prince William and Kate will be hoping he doesn't initiate any Bean-style pratfalls in the Abbey.

 Prince William Wedding News: Who is going to the Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding?

Governors general and prime ministers from across the Commonwealth
are strongly represented, including Australia's Prime Minister, Julia Gillard,
New Zealand premiere John Key, and Sir John Major, the former
British prime minister who was appointed guardian of Prince William after his mother's death.

Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Prince William 'clinging onto a sense of normality'

Prince William : A future king
'Clinging onto a sense of normality'

The thing that struck Charles Warren about Prince William , second-in-line
to the British throne, when he first met him was how "regular" he was.
"William, in almost every regard, was just a regular student," says Warren,
a geography lecturer at the University of St. Andrews and tutor for
Prince William  from 2001 to 2004.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William : A future king 'clinging onto a sense of normality'

Warren was among a small group of students and teachers, including
Prince William , who went on a geography field trip to a remote part of
Norway in June 2004.

Prince William and Kate's Royal Wedding Online: study

Prince William and  Kate's Royal Wedding Mentioned every 10 seconds online

Prince William and  Kate’s Royal Wedding is generating around 9,000 mentions a day online, or one every 10 seconds, according to a study from specialist technology firm Greenlight published on Thursday. Internationally, those excited by the marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton on April 29 outweigh the naysayers by six to one, the company’s research shows.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William and  Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding Online: study

The Prince William and  Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding is expected to be one of the year’s most watched events globally, with some estimating viewership of up to two billion people.

Prince William and Kate : Kiss for the kingdom

Prince William and Kate : Kiss for the kingdom

The impending marriage of Prince William and "commoner" Kate Middleton is hardly a new chapter in the monarchy, as many British tabloids would have it. At 1.25pm next Friday, just before the British capital succumbs to the roar of a military flyover, Catherine Middleton will join her new husband, 
Prince William of Wales, for what royal aides have dubbed ''the balcony moment''. Framed by family and with up to a million well-wishers milling in the streets below, the newlyweds, Prince William and Kate will appear in the very spot where Diana Spencer shyly kissed her new husband on the day of their marriage 30 years ago.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William and Kate : Kiss for the kingdom

In the London crowd, and the estimated 2 billion watching on televisions around the world, there may well be some hoping that smile of Prince William , which resembles that of his mother, will be the only echo of that earlier, unhappy union.

Inside the Royal Wedding: Prince William and Kate

Prince William and Kate Middleton's
Royal Wedding edges closer!

Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding: There will be two billion people watching on TV, a million spectators packing the streets of London, 1900 guests in Westminster Abbey, five horse-drawn carriages, four bridesmaids and two wedding cakes.  And it comes down to one couple - Prince William and Kate. Final touches are being made for Friday's day of pageantry.

 Prince William Wedding News: Inside the wedding of the year: Prince William and Kate Middleton

Prince William and Kate will be the 10th couple to wed in Westminster Abbey in the past 100 years. The Dean of Westminster will conduct the service, the Archbishop of Canterbury will perform the wedding ceremony and the Bishop of London will give the address. The couple, Prince William and Kate will take their vows standing on the intricately restored Cosmati Pavement, made up of Italian semi-precious stones and dating from 1268.

Prince William and Kate In 'Time' 100 List

Prince William , Kate Middleton among 'Time' 100 List

Prince William and Kate Middleton will be newlyweds in a little more than a week and Prince William and Kate are already making a splash as a couple.
The 28-year-old heir to the British throne and his bride-to-be, 29, are on the Time 100 List of the most influential people in the world.
 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William and Kate in 'Time' 100 List

Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding, like it or not, is making a difference — even if that just might be giving a different spin to people's daily dose of headline news.
Best-selling romance novelist Jackie Collins, who is a native of England, writes in Time about the pair, Prince William and Kate : "During these days of politicians making promises they never keep, financial woes and doom and gloom, what better than a good old (albeit expensive) fairy-tale wedding for all to enjoy?"

Jumat, 22 April 2011

Prince William and Kate's Royal wedding videobook

Prince William and Kate Middleton's
Royal wedding videobook launched

A royal wedding video book has been launched for well wishers to leave messages of support for Prince William and fiancee Kate Middleton.
A Royal wedding video book has been launched for well wishers to leave messages of support for Prince William and fiancee Kate Middleton.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal wedding videobook launched 

The Prince William and his bride-to-be will view the personal congratulations for Prince William and Kate Middleton's big day which will provide a unique memento for the couple.

Prince William takes Kate to Princess Diana’s grave

Prince William has taken his future wife, Kate Middleton to the grave of his mother, Princess Diana days before the much-anticipated Royal Wedding at London’s historic Westminster Abbey on April 29. The Britain’s future king,
Prince William is described holding hands with his fiancée as they walked to Princess Diana’s island tomb on the 14,000-acre Althorp Estate in Northamptonshire.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William takes Kate Middleton to Princess Diana’s grave

The couple, Prince William and Kate said The Daily Mail was somber as they laid flowers paying tribute to the late Princess who died in a car crash in 1997.

Queen reveals formal consent to Prince William and Kate

Queen reveals formal consent to
'beloved grandson Prince William' and 'trusty Catherine'

The Queen's historic formal consent to Prince William and Kate Middleton's forthcoming marriage was unveiled today. Under the Great Seal of the Realm, she signed an elaborate notice of approval which proclaimed, in transcribed calligraphy, consent to the union of ''Our Most Dearly Beloved Grandson
Prince William Arthur Philip Louis of Wales, K.G. and Our Trusty and
Well-beloved Catherine Elizabeth Middleton''.

 Prince William Wedding News: Queen reveals formal consent to Prince William and Kate

British monarch Queen Elizabeth II has officially given her grandson
Prince William her blessing to wed fiancee Kate Middleton by signing
a formal declaration of consent. Prince William had to ask his grandmother's
consent to marry because of a law dating from the 18th century. 

The Archbishop Wished Prince William and Kate Need Courage

The Archbishop of Canterbury has wished Prince William and Kate Middleton 

The Archbishop of Canterbury has wished Prince William and Kate Middleton the "courage and clarity" he says Prince William and Kate Middleton will need to get married in the public eye. Rowan Williams said the couple, Prince William and Kate Middleton were fully aware of the potential costs of tying the knot in so public a manner.

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William and Kate 'need courage'

He said he wished Prince William and Kate "every richest blessing in their life together" and the "courage and clarity they'll need to live out this big commitment in the full glare - tolive it out for the rest of us".

College friend reveals Prince William and Kate's Early Romance

College friend of  Prince William and Kate
Reveals their early romance

Knight lived down the street from Prince William in their second year studying at the University of St Andrews, in the small Scottish town, and saw first-hand Prince William and Kate's early years as a couple.

 Prince William Wedding News: College friend reveals Prince William and Kate's early romance

" Prince William and Kate were always spending time together, going down to Anstruther to go banana boating or playing golf or going for a walk," says Knight.

Kamis, 21 April 2011


After 28 years and 4 months, it’s time to call it a day and I’m retiring as a partner in Latimer Hinks. I’ve always been sceptical about those who withdraw from public life on the basis they want to spend more time with their families. Now I’m of that age where I suddenly understand what they mean.

A business partnership is often described as a marriage in which you are tied together in a common purpose, through good and bad times. If that description is accurate then it must mean that I have been going through some kind of divorce, albeit amicably. In my case, however, I have 7 spouses. Imagine that, especially in a country that frowns on polygamy!

My thanks to all my colleagues at Latimer Hinks who have been working hard to make the last few weeks as easy as they could and also for their best wishes and support over the years.

So am I really going to spend all my leisure time with my family? After all Outdoor Man has recently qualified for his free bus pass, so just think of all the exciting jaunts we could go on together. Check back here in early May to see what Judith does next.

Did You Know?

Like most Virginia counties, birth and death records for Prince William no longer exist between 1896 and June 1912.   Only the cities of Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, and Richmond have records spanning those dates.  That's not to say that you'll never find out when your ancestor was born or died if the event falls somewhere during that time period.  Fortunately, there are other sources for those records, like family Bibles, church records, cemetery records, draft cards, marriage bans, and obituaries.

Washington Times (DC)
March 17, 1897

An old man named J. Werner, living near Independent Hill, in Prince William county, yesterday evening drank a portion of a bottle of liniment, which had been given him by an acquaintance named Rosebury, and died from the effects of the dose before a physician could be summoned.

The Free Lance (Fredericksburg, VA)
March 30, 1901

Mrs. Kate Latimer, who died in Prince William county Monday, was buried at the Manassas cemetery Wednesday.  She was the only daughter of M. B. Sinclair, for many years clerk of the courts of Prince William county.

The Free Lance (Fredericksburg, VA)
March 4, 1905

Miss Carrie Patterson, formerly of Prince William county, died in Alexandria Thursday, aged 18.  The remains were sent to Quantico for interment.

Times Dispatch (Richmond, VA)
February 9, 1911

Alexandria, VA. February 8 – Rev. William D. Delaney of Portsmouth, was the celebrant of mass at St. Mary's Catholic Church this morning at the funeral of his father, Dennis W. Delaney, who died Sunday last at Hoadly, Prince William county.  Rev. Martin O'Donoghue, of Washington, was deacon and Rev. H. J. Cutler, of this city, was subdeacon.  Burial was made in St. Mary's Cemetery.

The Washington Times (DC)
February 9, 1911

The funeral of Ida Virginia Brawner, widow of John P. Brawner, who died at her residence, 113 South Alfred street, yesterday, will be held from the family residence tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, the Rev. Edgar Carpenter, of Grace Church, conducting the services.  Interment will be made at Bethel Cemetery.

Mrs. Brawner was the daughter of John A. Stonnell, and a native of Prince William county, although she has lived in Alexandria for many years.  She is survived by three sons, Philip Brawner, George Brawner, and Emory Brawner, and one daughter, Mrs. Effie Clements.  She was fifty-five years of age.

Marriage License: Edgar Lee Moler and Olive E. Long

This marriage license between Edgar Lee Moler and Olive E. Long, daughter of Simeon and Margaret Long of Independent Hill, was Exhibit A in a 1921 chancery case in Prince William County.  Mrs. Moler (aged 34) was suing for divorce from her husband because he "gambled and staid away from home all the time." 

Rabu, 20 April 2011

Prince William and Kate's Music Director Says Wedding Will Be 'Magical'

Prince William and Kate Middleton's
Music Director Says Wedding Will Be 'Magical'

Christopher Warren-Green, the musical director for Prince William and Kate's upcoming wedding, says the ceremony will be "magical."

 Prince William Wedding News: Prince William and Kate Middleton's Music Director Says Wedding Will Be 'Magical'

Warren-Green is no stranger to the royal family, having been invited in 1981 by Prince Charles, father of Prince William , to give a concert in the ballroom of Buckingham Palace.  When Prince William asked his father for help with the music, Charles again turned to Warren-Green

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