Kamis, 01 Juni 2006

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Celebrity Dads, the better custodial parent?

I need to qualify this article in two ways before I continue lest the reader get the wrong idea about my opinions. I have always been a Beetles fan, from the crib upward. Of course Paul has always been my favorite. Growing up more in the 70's I can't say that to me he overtook the appeal Billy Joel and Elton John had for me, but the music played by my friends older siblings was always pleasant to my ear. Second I have won custody many times and for many reasons to fathers who have been my clients. I always advise them that it is still a bit of an uphill battle in this jurisdiction, but given the right set of circumstances, full paternal custody can be achieved and to a much greater extent equal custody is becoming quite popular among the judiciary and the forensics.

That being said, what is this rash of celebrity fathers who think if they have or pay enough money to the mothers of their children, that they are the better custodial parent? Looking first at the odd case of Michael Jackson, to whom I frankly wouldn't entrust a pet let along a child. In that case without judicial intervention but with the right price he was able to gain custody of not just one but three children. Frightening. The second case of Paul McCartney this week was disturbing to me. If the tabloids are correct this 60 something year old man thinks that offering his wife 45 million dollars, that he will then be the best parent to raise a 3 year old child. Well, he certainly can buy the best help available but with his touring schedule does that really make him the better parent here. The Heather Mills camp has been rather quiet on the matter which of course could mean one of two things, she is considering the proposal, or that it is so absurd she doesn't feel the need to comment on it. Of course we are ignorant of all the salient facts. For all we know Heather could be an atrocious mother. I guess it is the price tag attached to the request for custody that I find disturbing. Last if not least is the odd case of Tom Cruise. Now of course there has been no talk of a custody battle, yet. But in light of the failed nuptials and the rumors of a relationship gone bad, I think it will be a fight we will see soon. So how much will Cruise offer Katie for his child? Reminiscent of baby buying or surrogacy, the issue of celebrity parenting leaves me cold. In these cases I would like to see the cold gavel of justice intervene to determine the best interests of the child as opposed to the best financial deal of the parties. Call me old fashion, but I have more respect for the Baldwin/Bassinger custody battles of ole than for the purportedly respectful way that custody is purchased in these cases we hear about today.

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