Senin, 09 Maret 2009

Cheaper to Keep Her(Him) FALSE!!!

The tough economy has hit every industry and the divorce business is not exception. A recent article in the local paper indicated because times are tough people are staying together even if it means living in separate parts of the house as opposed to starting a divorce action.

The justification they say is that they just can't afford a divorce. The truth of the matter, however, is that people who are living in these situations truly cannot afford NOT to divorce their spouses. Now those of you who have read my blog before know that I am always in favor of trying to save a marriage first. All attempts should be made at counselling or otherwise in order to make a marriage work. Only after all this has failed should a divorce attorney be consulted. That being said those who decide to suck it up and stay in misery, make not only themselves miserable but all those dependant upon them miserable as well.

Of course in these situations the innocent are always the most effected and generally they are the children of the marriage. The unbelievable damage they are doing to the children alone should prompt them to beg,borrow or steal money for a retainer in order to move on with their lives. The cost of years of therapy for children who are witnessing abuse, be it physical or mental as well as the horrendous example these couples are setting for their little ones about what marriage is all about cannot even be calculated monetarily.

The young girl who witnesses her mother being abused by her spouse will in all likelihood look for the same kind of man to marry. The young boy who witnesses the cold hard stares of his parents toward one another cannot ever be expected to become a warm loving spouse or parent.

Ask any police department and they will confirm that in rough economic times domestic violence calls increase dramatically.
What price can one put on happiness and normalcy in a marriage??
A friend of mine who was in an emotionally horrendous marriage refused for years to get a divorce because she felt the lives of her children would be adversely affected financially. Finally when she could no longer look the other way regarding her husband's deviant ways she instituted an action and found love and warmth in a new relationship after years of being emotionally abused.

The horrendous housing market may also be a friend to a couple contemplating a divorce. Where once the housing market forbade the use of using one spouse's 401K as a trade off on equity in the marital home, we have now come full circle in that may in fact be a viable option in this economy. It may also be possible for parties to "trade down" in their housing. The bigger expensive houses can be sold still getting enough equity for one or both parties to afford smaller more affordable homes that are starting to flood the market.

Finally the fact that 1 can live more cheaply than 2 is never more true than in tough economic times. One can live more cheaply than 2 or 3 or 4, that is just a fact.

So those of you out there waiting for the finances to improve before you decide to improve your life....remember there is NEVER a good time to get divorced. When things are this bad economically at least the hope of starting a new better life can give some light at the end of this tunnel. Think about it.

Divorce retainer... $8000.00
Counseling sessions for 1 child over a 10 year period....$46,800
Cost of doctor bills incurred due to domestic violence(over a 6 month period)...$2000
(if covered by insurance)
Property Damage due to domestic violence(annually)....$5000
A loving tranquil household........PRICELESS

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