Sabtu, 05 Juli 2008

Christie Brinkley's Nasty Divorce Battle Continues...
I have been following the Christie Brinkley-Peter Cook divorce trial in the news over the last few days . This is a perfect example of how a divorce can spiral out of control ,like a tornado, damaging everyone in it's path.
The trial started on Wednesday with shocking testimony and repulsive, graphic details of Peter Cook's affair with a teenage and expensive porn habit. Yesterday the trial continued with Christie Brinkley on the stand, explaining how her life was shattered when she found out about her husband's affair.
At issue in this divorce trial is custody of the couple's two children and three properties bought by Ms. Brinkley, even though they have a pre-nup.
Here are some of the gory details, in case you have not been following the news:
Peter cook had an affair with an 18 year old who he hired because she was "beautiful" paying her $20,00 to type magazine articles into his company's website. He admits to leaving money for her in various location and having sex with her at two of Christie Brinkley's homes.
He also went on to pay his mistress $300,000 to keep quiet. Mr. Cook also admits to surfing porn and swinger websites and performing lewd acts in front of a web cam. He supposedly spent $3,000 a month on his porn habit. (Note: Peter Cook married Christie Brinkely with very little of his own money and few assets. Christie Brinkely paid the bills and supported their lavish lifestyle).
His step-daughter, Alexa Ray Joel, testified that he once pushed her head into a bucket of water after her shower leaked.
The biggest insult is that Peter Cook actually had the nerve to accuse his wife of being vengeful and angry and a "good actress". I think she has every reason to feel angry. Her husband, cheated, squandered her money and has added insult to injury by suing her for sole custody for their children.
Mr. Cook's lawyer feels that it has been 2 years and she should be over it by now. Sorry, but it does not work that way. The deep pain inflicted on a person whose spouse has cheated can take years to heal. Should she be using the trial to punish her husband? No. She needs to time to grieve the loss of her marriage and go through the many stages of grief. I don't think she is trying to get revenge here, only to protect her assets and retain custody of the children.
Should this trial be open to the public? I still think that was a mistake. The trial could of went on without everyone in the world knowing the graphic details. I can only imagine the how difficult this must be for their kids, having to hear the horrible details of their father's sexual habits and adultery.
If you are going through a divorce, let this divorce trial serve as an example of how ugly and nasty going to trial can get. Do everything possible to settle your divorce. That may mean giving up some things in order to avoid the pain a trial can bring.
Sometimes though, a trial becomes the only way to settle a divorce, especially when the issue is not primarily money, but custody of the children. In this case, both of these parents love their kids, and even though Peter Cook is not a good husband, it does not necessarily make him a bad father. He obviously has a problem and needs help. Unless there is physical or emotional abuse and evidence of one parent being a danger to the children, custody arrangements can be worked out.
In the end, Compromise is key. No one is happy with their divorce settlement and like I have said so many times before, the lawyers are the only true winners when a divorce battle drags on.

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