Sabtu, 15 Desember 2007

Breathing Deeply Before Christmas

This has been the busiest holiday season I have ever had in the matrimonial world. I had four trials scheduled between Thanksgiving and New Years. The first trial settled on the first day of trial, the second trial actually occurred for two days, the third trial is in the process of being settled and the fourth took up 4 full days of settlement negotiations only to be bounced unsettled until the end of February for a new trial date.

To actually appreciate the work involved before trial, a good rule of thumb is one week of preparatory work for every two days of trial.

The four days of settlement negotiations were actually more taxing than being on trial. At least on trial an attorney gets to present her case and not argue points with opposing counsel. Settlement days involve non stop arguing. Even for a seasoned adversary like me such a pace takes its toll physically.

After each trial, my body has screamed "UNCLE" and collapsed into a state of exhaustion needing lots of TLC before the next matter. I thank God for the fortitude of my staff who bolsters me up with their accolades and props my body back up for the next fight, arming me with the documents and case law needed to prove my claims.
Also I have been blessed with clients who actually appreciate my work on their files and see the value of my efforts each time I enter the arena on their behalves.

I have been chided by my colleagues for being overly enthusiastic and aggressive in representing my clients and told on more than one occasion I was advocating like a "guy", a left-handed compliment I think. If only I was able to go home "like a guy" and put up my feet at the end of such a day, instead of starting my second job as Mom..once I walk through the door. When my husband informs me that his day has 15 hours I tell him that my day actually has 16. He laughs and tells me I am very adversarial and that I should save it for court. Well, one attorney told me I should save my "anger" for my husband!

Well, the bottom line is I think although we as women make inroads every day, it is still a man's world. Only those of us who dare to be as aggressive as our male counterparts unfortunately get heard. So as my client suggested, I will be resting myself in preparation of the next trial date. Unfortunately for my adversary I will be taking two much needed vacations prior to the next date! I should be in great form mentally and physically...and more importantly I will look marvelous!
Merry Christmas to all.

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