Rabu, 23 Mei 2007

High School Law Classes

My son was very excited last year that Business Law was offered as a class to him this year. It was tauted as a college credit course. What concerned me after reading the course description was the likelihood that it would not be taught by an attorney but instead by a high school business teacher. the course outline said it would be discussing basics of the law but even the basics of the law cannot legally be taught by a non attorney. Practicing law or giving legal advice without a license is a misdemeanor in this state. I told my son this and expressed my concern about the training of the teacher. He was so excited however, that I just decided that I would address the issues with them as they came up....
Well boy have they come up! First my son advised me that I couldn't take his cell phone away according to his teacher since he bought it himself. Then he told me I couldn't legally enter his room without permission and that I couldn't ever throw him out without a legal eviction! Apparently I am also not the only parent disturbed by all of this "advice" spouted by this non lawyer. My son tells me another boy in the class regularly yells out that his Dad(who is also an attorney)says that the teacher is a know nothing and that as a parent he can do whatever he wants!
The comments of course make me smile in that they voice my very opinion of this teacher and his statements to a group of 15 year old kids.
It is also my understanding that on a recent trip to the court house a court officer stopped his speech to the class and ask an attorney near by to explain what was going on to the class in that the officer felt Mr. teacher was giving out wrong information! Scary that someone who has never been inside of a law school classroom feels he has the right to spout legal information(most of it incorrect)to some impressionable 15 year olds. I am a little sorry I let him take the class, but it hasn't squelched his desire to go to law school. I was sort of hoping it would.

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