Kamis, 30 November 2006

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Dr. Phil and Family Court

Recently on the Dr. Phil show my son and I have been engrossed in the saga about an allegedly abused child named Kaylee. My son, the only one of my offspring not entirely turned off by the legal profession is passionate about the program. While I genuinely love Dr. Phil's no nonsense approach to the psycho dramas he presents on a daily basis, it concerns me that he is as clueless as the rest of lay society about the justice system. Dr. Phil made statements about child protective services being an agency he holds in high regard and seems to value the purported unbiased views of the black robed individuals who dispense justice; sometimes.
Dr. Phil needs a real life reality check and should meander down to the local family court, just about anywhere should do and surround himself in the justice as it is dispensed from the bench. I bet it would be a real eye opener. Who knows whether an issue of abuse exists in the case on his show. Certainly there is some physical evidence I find hard to ignore, however a judge and multitude of CPS workers have poo,pooed it as meaningless. The father continues to enjoy unfettered access to the child and has no supervision during his visits. As a mother myself I find this as disturbing as Dr. Phil. On yesterdays show however, he seemed to question the mother's activist type behavior in protesting what she feels is the judiciary's refusal to give any credence to the physical evidence. Sometimes, Dr. Phil exposure is the only way to keep everyone honest. If the public presses the judiciary and local law enforcement to error on the side of caution where theses allegations arise perhaps there would be less child abuse. Of course the otherside of the coin can be just as compelling in that I have represented numerous litigants who have been falsely accused with very little to no evidence and kept from their children for extensive periods of time.
Where am I going with this? I would like to take Dr. Phil on a field trip through the legal system and get his take on how to better dispense justice. I bet Dr. Phil will be pretty disgusted with what he sees and will be glad he chose medical school over law school. Too bad the sight of blood makes me faint......

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