Sabtu, 08 Juli 2006

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Conversations with a Paralegal

A paralegal in my office has decided her life and my work should be the topic of a book we need to write together. Though he have different reasons for entering into this project , the rest of the staff is readily entertained by the banter between us as we discuss our book.

Paralegal: So have you written the chapter about the throughly corrupt judges you routinely appear before.
Attorney: I didn't plan on calling any of the judges corrupt in this book.
Paralegal: How can you expose the system without discussing the corruption?
Attorney: I am not "exposing" the system, I am explaining it. The system works justly for many litigants.
Paralegal: It also screws many litigants.
Attorney: As I haved always said, when parties invite strangers into their private affairs they may not always like the outcome.
Paralegal: So you do realize that you will need to find a new career once this book comes out. Right?
Attorney: Well I wasn't planning on it unless we wind up spending all our time on the talk show circuit to promote it.
Paralegal: Well you won't be able to appear before any of the judges you lamblast in the book.
Attorney: I won't be lamblasting anyone. I will merely be interpreting the laws objectively, and commenting on the different ways judges can interpret them. You are the one who will be giving opinions on what happened in your case. But remember we won't be using any real names.
Paralegal: No real names? What is the use of writing a book if we can't use real names?
Attorney: As a public service maybe. To show how one divorce case going through the system can turn into a circus.
Paralegal: It won't be as much fun if we can't name the clowns.
Attorney: Sorry. I have a real problem with the thought of getting sued over this.
Paralegal: ok, I guess. When are you writing your first chapter warning all the unsuspecting unhappy people out there that divorce is a nightmare?
Atttorney: Just as soon as I decide what I will do to earn a living once the book is published.

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