Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Will: William Davis

Prince William County Will Book H, pg. 250
7 Jan 1797; proved 5 Feb 1798

In the name of God amen I WILLIAM DAVIS of Prince William County & state of Virginia late of Charles in Maryland (having my proper reason and memory) do constitute this my last will and testament, disallowing all other wills & testaments by me heretofore made & First.

I recommend my soul to God who have it, and my body to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named.

I give unto my son JOSEPH five shillings and no more of my estate he having had a full share.

Item I give unto my son ISAAC five shillings and no more of my estate he having had a full share.

Item I give unto my grand son ROGER one heifer two years old.

Item I give unto my grand daughter ELIZABETH one heifer two years old.

Item my will and desire is that my son WILLIAM be sent to school three years at the expense of my estate.

Item my will is that the rest of my estate should be kept together until my son WILLIAM arrives to the age of twenty one years and then to be equally divided among my five youngest children namely ELIZABETH, ALLIN, SARAH, NANCY, and WILLIAM, and I do appoint my friend DAVID WILSON SCOTT & my son ALLIN my Executors of this my last will and testament.  Signed sealed and pronounced this 7th day of January Anno Domini one thousand and ninety seven.

WILLIAM [his mark] DAVIS   {seal}


At a court held for Prince William County the 5th Day of February 1798

The last will and testament of WILLIAM DAVIS deceased was presented to the court and being proved by the oaths of JOHN KINCHELOE, JOHN FERGUSON and JAMES FERGUSON ordered to be recorded. 

N.B. ALLEN DAVIS qualified as an Excr. The 6th Day of February 1798.



Cl Cur

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