Selasa, 09 Juni 2009

The Day Long Island Took Back the State Senate

The weather report said rain all day, but frankly I knew that would be incorrect, it never rains all day on my Birthday. The weekend was very nice and I knew all my children had gone out of their way to purchase individual gifts because they had been trying to give them to me for three days prior. We all love surprises in our home but most of us have a hard time keeping the secret.

Yesterday there were flowers and balloons, there were candles and wind chimes.Then there was the blockbuster surprise that Long Island had taken back control of the State senate.

This is very important to every long islander who pays taxes which we all know are greatly disproportionate with those paid in other areas of the state. Since the elections in November we have been advised of all the additional taxes we would need to pay because we live on long island like commuter taxes and we were also told to expect less back in services. Our schools buckled down and came out with lower budgets than ever before, tapping into reserves that none of us are supposed to acknowledge exist. Our towns spawned more fiscally conservatives candidates than ever before to meet the needs of the people regardless of which side of the aisle they hailed from. And then the great equalizer, Money was thrown into the mix and suddenly two Democrats in the State Senate saw the error of their ways and agreed to defect if only in voting to turn the tides of power and grab a handful of something for themselves in the bargain.

With all the drama of a Broadway play, the long standing majority who had become the minority over night took back the State and promised to make things better than they were and move legislation as it had never been moved. Wait we ask though, wasn't these the very people who had stalled the legislation in the first place? Sure they did but that was only because the tide did not flow equally over the shores of Long it will. Or so we are told.

It was a good birthday and perhaps a good day for Long Island as well. We shall have to see.

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