Selasa, 11 November 2008

I'm losing my house....Who can I sue?

Just when you thought you've heard it all my office received a call today from a distraught home owner. The woman indicated that she was in the process of re-negotiating her mortgage with her mortgage company; a concept that until very recently was unheard of. Well she and her husband thought how unfair this whole recession and credit crisis was to people like them and thought that there had to be someone they could sue for causing this. So like any good citizens they opened the phone book and called a local attorney asking who they could sue to cure their ills.

Well my thought was perhaps like GM and Chrysler they could call the treasury department and ask for a bail out. I'm sure they will need less than the 25 million the car companies are asking for so this could be treasury chump change. The question to ask is whether to put in the request during the lame duck administration or once President Elect Obama gets into office. I pretty much have been of the opinion that once the election was over the economy would loosen up some and at least in my business that has been correct. So far I can say an Obama Presidency is good for divorce.
Let's hope his presidency winds up being just as good for the country and the economy.
By the way a funny comment was made to me about my book....yes believe it or not it is actually selling....a judge who read it sent a comment through a friend that he knew I was talking about him when I prefaced my comments on judges before advising the free world to stay clear of the men in the black robes. While this observation is indeed true and he is one of a handful of judges I have nothing but admiration for, my friend said she thought they would all think they were in that group so no worries about offending anyone! I wasn't worried...the truth is a complete defense.
By the way save the date January 21st at the Garden Grill in Smithtown 7:00pm I am speaking for Divine Divorce..Don't let me speak to an empty room

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