Jumat, 10 Oktober 2008

I Hate Politics Season

It's hard NOT to pay attention to the Presidential candidates this time of year. They're everywhere! As someone who is not passionate about one side or the other, I plan to vote for the Presidential candidate who pisses me off the least. So far, the McCain/Palin ballot is really pissing me off. I see clips of these "normal" people in the crowds at their rallies, asking questions and making narrowminded statements. And the fact that other people in the crowd actually cheer wildly and McCain and Palin just smile and let them continue, is amazing to me.

Some jackass stood up the other day at a rally and started going off about Obama being a terrorist. Are you really that fucking stupid you bigotted right-wing asshole? This character is throwing out "Socialist" and shit like that. Do you really believe the venom coming out of your mouth? Personally, I am less afraid of the Islamic extremist terrorists than I am of these crazy white guys right here in the USA. For all I know, these radical, normal-looking, white men could be living next door to me or waiting in line with me at the movie theater.

At one point I actually had some thoughts of voting for McCain. Of course, that was before he pussed out and compromised his own beliefs to enable his campaign to get funding from right-wingers. In the event that McCain actually manages to squeak out a victory over Obama in the Election, I really hope McCain goes back to the old John McCain and tells all those radical right-wing supporters to fuck off. I mean, once the Election is over, he doesn't need their money any more. And c'mon, he's way too old to expect to be re-elected 4 years later.

Come November 4th, I, along with many other voters, will be voting for the lesser of two evils. Right now, my choice is Barack Obama. And frankly, George W. Bush has fucked all of us over so bad that it probably doesn't matter. Asshole.

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