Senin, 19 Mei 2008

Cheaters Beware: Your Spouse May be Spying On you...

With the amazing advancements in technology, it has become easier than ever to catch a cheating spouse. Computer Sights, a computer support and surveillance supply store in Florida is selling GPS devices the size of a matchbox. There are also clock radios, smoke detectors, and other household devices that conceal tiny hidden cameras for purchase.

Because the price of these devices are affordable to the public, anybody who suspects their spouse is cheating can easily obtain one and become a spy, without having to hire a costly private investigator.

So is it ethical to spy on your spouse? That is a tricky question. On one hand, if you do suspect your spouse is cheating and you confront him and he denies it, having proof is important for your own peace of mind. On the other hand, you could be wrong and if you spouse finds out you are spying on him, you could be jeopardizing your marriage. How would you feel if you were innocent and then found out your spouse had your home and car rigged with spy equipment?

I think you need to trust your instincts. If you strongly suspect your ex is cheating, you are probably right. Our own inner guidance system is powerful and accurate. If you are certain he is cheating, but need physical proof for closure, then you may want to consider investing in a tracking device or other piece of spy equipment.

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