Rabu, 02 April 2008

Gaining Weight After a Divorce...

Last night I was watching an episode of the new show "I Can Make You Thin". The host claims to be able to help people lose weight by using various tapping techniques to help them conquer emotional overeating.

There was a woman featured on the show who gained a substantial amount of weight after her divorce. She was shocked and devastated when she discovered her husband was having an affair with her brother's wife.

For two years, she suppressed her emotions and turned to food for comfort. This reaction to a divorce is common. People who suffer through a traumatic event, such as divorce, often use food, alcohol, drugs or other distractions like gambling or shopping to help numb the pain. So how can you avoid putting on the pounds or becoming addicted to something after a divorce?

The best way is to deal with your emotions while you are having them. Do not suppress feelings that arise. If you feel angry with your ex you need to acknowledge the feeling, allow it to be and then let it go. The key is to feel the feelings, accept them as normal and them release them. Deal directly with painful emotions instead of burying them with food or alcohol. You find that you will reach less for comfort foods when you find out what is really bothering you inside.

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