Kamis, 11 Oktober 2007

Rantings of a Mad Lawyer/Woman

I am a Met fan. I have been since Reingold was the sponser of the Mets. I have been a Met fan all my life and have never rooted for any other team. I am, however, married to a Yankee fan. Unlike my spouse I cannot root for his team ever. When the Mets do well my husband gets excited. When the Mets lose he calls them names. I leave in a house divided 2 Met fans; 2 Yankee fans and 2 little kids who claim to be both. As adults we know you can't ever be both. Some day they will have to choose, until then they root for whichever team is winning that year. Most years they are Yankee fans. As I tell my son though, "You gotta believe," and there is always next year.

By the way, what is up with the President of Columbia University?? Did he really think insulting a terrorist before he allowed him to speak make us all feel better? Why is it this Terrorist with a title was allowed to walk the streets of OUR AMERICA? Why was it that he was allowed to insult our intelligence by saying there are "no gays in Iran" that "women have more rights in Iran than they have here in America."? I beleive the problem begins with the fact that we house the United Nations here in NYC. Frankly we aren't a neutral nation so why is the United States the site of the UN? I think the UN would be better suited in Switzerland, the self proclaimed neutral nation. Let's get rid of the diplomats who cause us nothing but aggrevation with all of their self immunities and opinions of our country. Interestingly enough the opinions they are free to express here would in many cases get them killed if expressed in their beloved homeland. So I say to the group of wannbe Presidential Candidates: Here is an idea for you....Oust the UN. Yup kick them right out of here. We have housed it long enough. Time for another country to feel what it is like to host the world of nations and get abused instead of thanks.

AAh a light at the end of this rant...the Yankees are out of it also!

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