Rabu, 27 Juni 2007


The Washington Post had a fascinating article on Hillary Clinton and her campaign. It seems that Senator Clinton has amassed a posse of intelligent women who surround her and are at the forefront of her campaign for the Presidency. The fact that she is the first female to run for president is in and of itself is history in the making. The fact that her inner team consists of all women with a smattering of male talent on the outskirts makes this race all the more dynamic. Whether you agree with her politics or not one must admire the fact that Hillary Clinton has bypassed the "old boys" network and brought in fresh new female talent to win this election.

As a woman I am in awe of the inner workings of a campaign which until now has been reserved for "gentlemen only." Hillary's inner circle is run as most women would run an organization, taking the time to get involved with each member, celebrating births and mourning deaths; lending a well place hand when one is in need.
A far cry from the corporate male mentality of non personalizing ones job and viewing employees as pawns, the Clinton inner circle could be a ladies night out but instead of discussing issues involving the local elementary school politics these women are discussing strategies involving world affairs.

The women of Hillaryland are "every woman." They represent all of us out there who for so long have been kept out of the male dominated political world of the Presidency. All of us in our sewing circles and prayer groups and Mommy and Me classes who have been made to feel that our views really don't count in the world of national politics should rejoice. We are 51% of the population and it is about time our voice is heard at the highest levels of our democracy.

At the present time Liberia, Chile' and Israel and Ireland have female presidents. Margaret Thathcher was Prime Minister of England for 11 years. East Germany, Switzerland the Phillipines,Malta, Haiti, Nicaragua,Bolivia, Iceland, Argentinia, Finland,Panama are among the nations who have had female heads of state. It is hard to beleive that in this melting pot society of ours that all of our Presidents to date have been white christian males. For the first time in history as viable candidates of a formal political party we have an African American in the mix and a Woman. This will be an exciting race to watch. Will Americans stay with the tried and true or will they elect someone who is more like the face of America today?

Whether you are for or against Hillary Clinton is irrelevant. The fact that she has smashed the glass ceiling of the office of the presidency by finally making it a equal opportunity position should make all of us who have estrogen flowing through our body burst with pride.

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