Kamis, 15 Februari 2007

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So a New Employee Walks Into My Office...

My husband says there are times when I need to take that big "S" off my chest and just act like Clark Kent for a while. Ha Ha I say as I tell him the story of a new employee in whose life I am struggling not to interfere. It seems whenever I see a potentially dangerous domestic situation especially for a woman, I get all crazy and feel the need to "educate" her. This unfortunately happens to me regularly and my staff of now well trained matrimonial paralegals struggle with me as well when we hear domestic situations that are ripe for a full blown horrendous legal battle. Our poor new employee, whom I don't think even knows I have a blog yet, so I feel ok writing about her, is a lovely sharp young woman. She just had a baby about 8 months ago and until yesterday had been referring to her live in boyfriend as her "fiance." Yesterday, now that she is becoming more comfortable with us, she confided that he really wasn't her fiance, in that although he had previously asked her to marry him, due to the horrible divorce he was still in the process of completing he had advised her that he in fact did not want to get remarried. Of course this prompted me to ask a few questions about the house she claimed "they" recently bought. Well, she said, it is in his name because of credit problems she had. I did not ask how much money she put into the purchase in that she proceeded to say that he pays for "everything" with the exception of her car and car insurances and "things for the baby." This guy even does the food shopping. They have been together for 8 years and at that point I asked if I could play devil's advocate and ask one other question. I asked her what would happened if one day he asked her to leave? She very quickly advised that she would leave in a heartbeat since she considered the house his and would take "her" child and be just fine. Yup. I and the rest of the staff shook out heads as we confirmed that our newbie did not have an order of custody. At this point I excused myself, seeing the warning looks of my staff all around me and decided that I really did need to rip the "S" off of my chest right at that moment. Newbie seemed a little panicked as I left the room but I decided her third day in our employment was way too early to meddle any more in her life. All I said as I departed was that she should keep her eyes and ears open in the office and that she should learn from the mistakes we see all day, every day. As my husband reminds me...dear, it is exhausting trying to save the world....Yes, it is...

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