Senin, 29 Januari 2007

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Yoga Too Controversial For Public Schools?

I gave each of my staff a white rose today and taught them a meditation exercise that I had read about in a book I am reading. The book called "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari," chronicles the life of a very successful trial attorney who has a heart attack in the middle of a trial and changes his life. The lawyer sells off all of his worldly belongings and spends years living among the monks adopting their spiritual lifestyle and vowing to spread it among his many acquaintances in order to improve the lifestyles of humanity.
The book outlines certain exercises that the lawyer turned monk teaches his former co-worker to help him train his mind and improve his life. One of these exercises is called the Heart of the Rose. It involves a daily meditation of a rose to the exclusion of all other thoughts in the mind. The exercise is one that is to be increased in duration daily to train the mind to focus on only one thing at a time.
Well, I brought a rose into each one of my ladies today and they politely listened as I read them the passage from the book and managed not to snicker or call me crazy. They graciously accepted the rose and left my office vowing to begin changing their lives! Yes, madame!
Then while was reading the news headlines, I found a whole controversy about Yoga in the public schools and that it was introduced to calm the children prior to standardized tests, but that certain secular groups and parents were opposed to the hindu roots of Yoga and felt it had a religious connotation! What???
Yup, so Yoga was sanitized, and not called Yoga, the chants were not chants, they were sayings; the meditation was not called mediation but deep thinking, and the kids are now able to do this in gym.
Just when I thought I had the whole PC thing figured out, I am told that calming ones spirit may interfere with their individual right of freedom of religious expression!!! Ok...stay stressed...die young...Me? I'm trying to get into my Zen zone, feel free to join me.

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