Jumat, 08 September 2006

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Back to School; New Website; Ugly Business

Welcome back to September! As much as I love the summer, the end of August brings with its cooler breezes the promise of one full day without the constant fighting of bored children.
I am not looking forward to homework, projects and the general nagging associated with back to school, but I am looking forward to more of a routine than the bohemian lifestyle we tend to adopt in the summer months. No more will my children be going to bed AFTER me. No more constant television. No more lounging till noon contemplating my zen!
September brings with it the usual increase in business, another cycle whereby those around us choose to turn over a new leaf. My millionth attempt to start a new exercise regime and to lose the "summer weight."
September also brings a new website which should be up and running as we speak.

My advice to all of my present or future clients. As one non matrimonial attorney just reminded me on the telephone..."This is an ugly business." When there is a disruption in a family, it is always ugly. The extent of the ugliness depends on the parties involved. As for my advice? Be prepared. Know everything about the finances in your marriage, be up to date on all the bills. Make sure you are an involved parent and above all be willing to compromise. If a matter can be mediated as opposed to litigated everyone wins.

Welcome back to all those hibernating for the summer....I for one am ready to hit the ground running...afterall I have less shouting in my ear these days!

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