Selasa, 02 Mei 2006

Dipping my Toe back into Criminal Law for a moment the following quote caught my eye.....
"From my point of view, the end result will be as if I had gone to court and won, but the matter is concluded much sooner," Rush Limbaugh declaring to his listeners after signing a deal with prosecutors that will dismiss the criminal charge against him after 18 months providing he complies with the terms.

Giving new life to the term "the rich are different than you and me," (F. Scott Fitzgerald). Yet another wealthy celebrity has managed to proclaim his innocence and find a way out of a prison term that by his own standards he truly deserves. Rush Limbaugh, conservative radio talk show host, and self proclaimed guru of all that is wrong with our country, has on numerous occasions touting the drug laws in this country as fair on those using and abusing. His comment "Do you think if there was any real evidence, we would have reached a settlement?" shows absolute ignorance of the legal system and an attempt to snow his followers into thinking that again "truth and justice and the American way" prevailed in a situation that in fact is known to the rest of the legal community as a plea deal. Limbaugh can spin it any way he wants, but if in fact there was no evidence, there would not be a plea deal at all, but an out and out dismissal. FYI Rush, if you had gone to court and won, you wouldn't be forced to submit to random drug testing nor would you be bound to continue to attend drug treatment. Plus Rush, if you are innocent, why aren't you complaining that they have taken your second ammendment right away, you know, the one that allows you to own a gun? Yep, the rich are different; beginning with the way they think of themselves and of the rest of us.

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